Illustration Deutschland

Quality Art, Custom Budgets: Let’s Make Magic Together!

Affordable, flexible pricing for creative services. Ian Marsden, freelance Illustration, animation, and explainer videos to fit your budget. High-quality, transparent solutions.

I want to address a topic that might be important to both of us: making high-quality illustrations and animations accessible, regardless of your budget.

Often, the first question in discussing a new project is, “How much would this cost?”

My answer is straightforward and tailored to you:
The cost is based on what you have budgeted for your project.

It’s really THAT simple.

Your interest in my work is incredibly encouraging time and again. Having illustrated for clients like Google, Mercedes, Lindt, etc., and having contributed to projects like the design of the official mascot for the Ski World Championships in St. Moritz, I understand there might be concerns about the affordability of my services. I want to address this directly.

When asked, “How much would this cost?” I prefer not to make a project estimate that may not fit into your planned budget, thus rendering further discussion unnecessary.

Instead, I prefer to turn the question around. I ask: What is needed? When is it needed? What is the budget?

If the project aligns with practical considerations and I am available, let’s get started!

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Concept Drawings: Volkswagen Sedric

Creating Concept Drawings for the Volkswagen Sedric Concept Car Presentation at CEBIT 2018 *

As an illustrator, I encounter various projects, each offering distinct challenges and creative opportunities. One particular project that holds a significant place among my favortes is the creation of concept drawings for the Volkswagen Sedric Concept Car presentation at CEBIT 2018. These drawings aimed to convey a compelling narrative, capturing the essence of this innovative concept car in a visually engaging manner. Familiar with the unpredictable nature of creative projects, I embraced the challenge when the assignment came on short notice. Time constraints were no obstacle for me, as I thrive in such situations, drawing upon experience and adaptability to deliver results swiftly and effectively.

The Volkswagen Sedric self-driving concept car is a pioneering innovation in the automotive world, representing a glimpse into the future of mobility. Designed with a focus on autonomous driving technology, the Sedric Concept Car aims to redefine the way we perceive transportation. This revolutionary vehicle embodies Volkswagen’s commitment to innovation, sustainable transportation, and cutting-edge design. With its sleek, futuristic appearance and state-of-the-art autonomous capabilities, the Sedric Concept Car is not just an automobile; it’s a visionary step towards a new era of transportation that prioritizes safety, convenience, and environmental sustainability.

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Concept Art for Lindt Chocolate

In this gallery I would like to show some concept illustrations created in 2015 for Lindt Chocolate.

Lindt Gold Bunny / Goldhase
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AN2V Kakemonos / Commercial Banner Illustration

I am frequently consulted by my clients to assist with marketing and advertising projects, with concepts and ideas, layouts and graphic design suggestions as well as of course drawings and illustration elements.

AN2V, the Association Nationale de la Vidéoprotection approached me for a very interesting project. Founded in 2004 by Dominique LEGRAND, this remarkable association was established to address the growing need for the exchange of experiences in the field of security technology. At the time, video surveillance, which we now call videoprotection, lacked structure, and many users were grappling with the challenges of deployment.

What sets AN2V apart is its unique combination of “demand” from both public and private users, along with companies offering products and services in the realm of security technologies. AN2V is truly one of a kind, and I was privileged to collaborate with them.

AN2V presented me with an exciting challenge – to create three distinctive, large-scale Kakémono display banners, each measuring 2.10 meters by 0.85 meters. These banners were designed to represent three key facets of AN2V’s activities: training, the association itself, and the universities they organize.

Two of the AN2V Kakemono banners on display at a tradeshow
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Illustrated Workflow of Graph Database Modeling – Explainer Video

In this illustrated explainer video, I was tasked by the client to follow the steps of graph database development from the architect to the database admin to the developers. 

With appealing illustrations that unfold before your eyes, this explainer video showcases the step-by-step process of how each team member contributes and collaborates to create a successful graph database. The animations and illustrations by created by me (artist Ian David Marsden) effectively communicate intricate procedures by utilizing character designs that personify different professions, along with vibrant graphic symbols. This approach results in a clear and visually appealing presentation.

Illustrated Workflow of Software Development for Businesses - Explainer Video

Custom illustrations and animations by artist Ian David Marsden.

 Contact Ian for a free consultation to discuss your project.

 #illustration #explainervideo #softwaredevelopment #teamcollaboration #databaseadministration #businessillustration #customillustrations #startups #advertising #marketing #illustrator #illustration #cartoonist #graphdatabase

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Animiertes und illustriertes Video für Zürich Gym

Als Illustrator, Cartoonist und Produzent von Erklär- und Promotionsvideos hatte ich die Freude und Ehre, ein einzigartiges Hand-gezeichnetes Erklärvideo für das Zürich Gym zu erstellen. Das Fitnessstudio wird von Inhaber und Europameister Frank Müller geleitet, der nicht nur ein erfahrener Personal Trainer, sondern auch ein Experte für Sporternährung ist. Er ist auch ein alter und guter persönlicher Freund von mir, so hat es Spass gemacht ihn in meinem Video mit mehreren handgezeichneten Porträts zu verewigen.

Zuerich Gym - 24 Stunden Geöffnet - Trainieren im Gym des Europemeister Frank Müller

Das Zürich Gym – Hurt Locker – 24 Stunden geöffnet – ist ein erstklassiges Fitnessstudio, welches seinen Kunden ein volles Topp-Programm bietet. Dank der neuesten Fingerprint-Sicherheitstechnologie können Kunden jederzeit das Studio betreten und ihre Trainingseinheiten beginnen.

Das Ziel des Erklär- und Promotionsvideos war es, in spielerischer Weise auf die Vorteile des ZürichGym aufmerksam zu machen und potenzielle Kunden anzusprechen.

Animiertes und illustriertes Video für Zürich Gym

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A Festive Creation: An Animated Holiday Card to Remember

As we celebrate the holiday season, I’m excited to share with you a project that truly captures the spirit of joy and togetherness. I had the distinct pleasure of working once again with AN2V, the Association Nationale de la Vidéoprotection. Established in 2004 by Dominique LEGRAND, AN2V stands as the foremost authority on videosurveillance and videoprotection in France. Their commitment to facilitating the exchange of experiences in the field of security technology is both impressive and inspiring. AN2V’s unique approach, bridging the needs of public and private users with the expertise of security technology companies, sets them apart as true innovators in their field.

Now, let me take you on a journey into the heart of the holiday season. I am delighted to introduce you to an elegant and captivating animated holiday card I had the pleasure of bringing to life. This enchanting card features the newly designed 3D version of AN2V’s logo, representing the evolution of their visual identity, which I had previously crafted for the client. Picture a serene winter night, where a charming chalet stands amidst a blanket of snow, surrounded by towering pine trees. Warm light spills from the chalet’s windows, casting a gentle glow on the pristine snow below. In the foreground, a beautifully adorned Christmas tree adds a touch of festive magic, while a welcoming wreath graces the chalet’s door. AN2V’s logo rests gracefully in the snow, bathed in the soft radiance of the holiday season. What sets this animated card apart is its timelapse transformation, evolving from intricate black lines into a vibrant, heartwarming scene that captures the essence of the season.

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Cartoon Nebelspalter – Wenn Bastien Girod zweimal klingelt

Illustrator und Cartoonist Ian David Marsden – Illustrations Blog

Ich freue mich sehr, hier meine jüngste Illustration im Nebelspalter Nummer 4/2023 mit euch teilen zu können.

Der Cartoon ist als “Tor des Monats” in Begleitung zu einem Text von Ralph Weibel entstanden, und bildet eines der neuesten Abenteuer des Schweizer grünen Politikers Bastien Girod ab.
“Cartoon Nebelspalter – Wenn Bastien Girod zweimal klingelt”

Die Szene ist in einer luxuriösen Wohnung angesiedelt, wo eine schnelldenkende Dame ihre Haustiere kurzerhand in Menschenkleidung in Szene gesetzt hat, um es so aussehen zu lassen, als ob sie viele Mitbewohner hätte. Girod, als Karikatur hoffentlich erkennbar, macht gerade einen Überraschungsbesuch, um seinen Vorschlag zur Umsiedlung von alleinstehenden Menschen, die in großen Wohnflächen leben, zu diskutieren. Wie Sie sich vorstellen können, wird die “viele Bewohner”-Illusion bei Girod nicht unbedingt ankommen.

Link: Gallerie mit vielen weiteren Cartoons

Link zum Artikel: Printausgabe Nebelspalter

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The Power of Custom-Created and hand drawn Explainer Videos: Why They’re Worth the Investment

Explainer videos have become a popular tool for businesses and startups to market their products and ideas in an engaging and informative way. But not all explainer videos are created equal. Cheap productions that use reusable clipart and avatars may seem like a cost-effective option, but investing in custom-created and hand-drawn explainer videos can have numerous benefits for your business.

Custom-created and hand-drawn explainer videos offer an elegant and tailored solution to suit any product or presentation. With the art of illustration, any scenario is possible for a reasonable budget, making it a more cost-effective option than traditional methods such as a photoshoot with models, influencers and moviestars and tons of costumes and props in a fancy studio, or on location on a yacht or a private jet. (Why not just draw all of these elements?)

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Next Generation Learning Presentation Video

A series of presentation videos for an excellent training course to assist students in completing and scoring high on their LAP test. Next-Generation Learning and #BYOD (bring your own devices) prepares you for all phases of this challenging test. A modern, step-by-step teaching approach covering every chapter of what you have learned over the years. The course gives you all the tools to ace the test.

Fun, light-hearted illustrations and caricatures lead you through the video and explain what you can look forward to in this training course.

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Drawing Videos

I am frequently called upon to create drawings for presentations and explainer videos or advertising videos or education videos.

My style of drawing videos and explainer videos differs from the vast majority of video productions because they are actual drawings which unfold, drawn by an actual artist who knows how to draw. The appearance can vary in different illustration styles, we can use color, we can use painterly brush strokes, pen, or pencil sketches. It is an actual work of art unfolding. The intrigue also lies in what unfolds first and what unfolds next.

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Comic Strips Sustainable Energy

For France-based client Sustain D I was tasked to develop original character designs for two cartoon characters and draw a series of comic strips featuring energy saving and ecological tips and tricks.

Let the sun shine in and you don’t need to turn the lights on 😀
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Dräger – Break the Chain of Infection

Comic drawing of a lady wondering what kind of stains are in her kitchen chocolate ketchup or others

A series of 4 videos and posters created for Dräger on the topic “Break the chain of infection”
The comic strips have no text so they are language independent and can be used internationally. The same goes for the video series.

The four different areas covered are: Infection prevention and control, increase Patient Safety,
Infection Prevention by Design and Improved Workflow

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Marsden Illustration