Editorial Illustration

Affiches illustrés touristiques Pic Saint Loup par Ian Marsden, Illustrateur Freelance

En tant qu’illustrateur freelance expérimenté résidant dans la région de Saint Mathieu de Tréviers, près de Montpellier, je suis ravi de partager avec vous ma série d’illustrations inspirées par les scènes typiques et l’atmosphère vivante de la région du Pic Saint Loup, où j’ai élu domicile depuis près de 20 ans. Ces œuvres, capturent l’esprit de la vie quotidienne et des loisirs dans cette région unique, à travers mon expérience personnelle et artistique.

Après avoir quitté Los Angeles pour un village viticole dans le sud de la France, j’ai été captivé par le charme et la vitalité de la région du Pic Saint Loup. Mon style artistique, alliant la précision du dessin à la main à la douceur de l’aquarelle, offre une représentation authentique et attrayante, idéale pour des illustrations éditoriales ou publicitaires et bien sûr, j’ai aussi illustré des BD et des livres pour enfants..

Parmi ma collection d’affiches, vous trouverez “C’est l’heure de l’apéro”, où une charmante lapine et un sanglier élégant sont équipés de délicieuses boissons et d’amuse-bouches, le tout devant un magnifique coucher de soleil sur le Pic Saint Loup.

Dans “J’ai les boules”, le Loup et ses amis jouent à la pétanque sur la place du village de Claret, une scène qui respire la convivialité.

Une autre création, “La vie en Rose”, montre deux jeunes amoureux sur une Vespa rose en route pour un pique-nique romantique, avec un panier bien garni incluant un rosé frais de la région.

Et il y a “Objectif Pic”, un hommage à une célèbre couverture de Tintin. Ici, le loup et ses amis se dirigent vers le pic pour une aventure palpitante, au volant de leur classique véhicule Mehari.

Chaque affiche reflète le charme et la joie de la région de Saint Mathieu de Tréviers, illustrant mon amour pour ce lieu magnifique à travers un art vibrant et coloré.

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Quality Art, Custom Budgets: Let’s Make Magic Together!

Affordable, flexible pricing for creative services. Ian Marsden, freelance Illustration, animation, and explainer videos to fit your budget. High-quality, transparent solutions.

I want to address a topic that might be important to both of us: making high-quality illustrations and animations accessible, regardless of your budget.

Often, the first question in discussing a new project is, “How much would this cost?”

My answer is straightforward and tailored to you:
The cost is based on what you have budgeted for your project.

It’s really THAT simple.

Your interest in my work is incredibly encouraging time and again. Having illustrated for clients like Google, Mercedes, Lindt, etc., and having contributed to projects like the design of the official mascot for the Ski World Championships in St. Moritz, I understand there might be concerns about the affordability of my services. I want to address this directly.

When asked, “How much would this cost?” I prefer not to make a project estimate that may not fit into your planned budget, thus rendering further discussion unnecessary.

Instead, I prefer to turn the question around. I ask: What is needed? When is it needed? What is the budget?

If the project aligns with practical considerations and I am available, let’s get started!

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“Gezeichnet 2023” in Bern: Schweizer Pressezeichnungen im Jahresrückblick

I’m delighted to announce my return to the renowned “Gezeichnet” exhibition in Bern, Switzerland. After several years, I am participating again, this time with five of my press drawings from the past year, showcasing my work as an editorial illustrator and cartoonist for the Nebelspalter satirical magazine.

The exhibition’s Vernissage, a key highlight, is scheduled for tomorrow evening, December 14th. It will commence at the Yehudi Menuhin Forum with an engaging Vernissage Talk, followed by an exhibition viewing and apéro at the Bern Museum for Communication.

This occasion presents a rare opportunity to personally meet many of the participating Swiss press cartoonists. The evening will also feature a live discussion hosted by Arena moderator Sandro Brotz, joined by two prominent politicians for a mix of political and humorous reflections on the year. Additionally, caricaturists Caroline Rutz and Carlo Schneider will offer live satirical commentary.

Exhibition Details:
“Gezeichnet 2023”
Bern Museum for Communication
Duration: December 15, 2023, to February 25, 2024
Location: Helvetiastrasse 16, 3000 Bern 6
Contact: T 031 357 55 55

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Drawn by Human Hand – Created by Natural Intelligence

Is the technological singularity just around the corner?


This is not an anti-AI post. It’s remarkable to see how far artificial intelligence (AI) has come, to the point where it can now compete with human abilities. I stare in marvel (and horror) at the current generation of AI generated images.

made by human hand - made with natural intelligence - illustrated logo - free to use, royalty free,

Maybe the above logo will become the art equivalent of the BIO labels at grocery stores

I am not someone who shies away from new tools or techniques, nor am I a technophobe. As someone who has been an avid fan and user of computers since childhood, I have experienced the evolution of technology firsthand. It always seemed inevitable that this day would arrive at some point, I think what is most surprising is how rapidly it is suddenly advancing. It is difficult for us to understand, because the human brain is not wired for exponential growth. We simply can not understand and imagine it.

Made by human hand and natural intelligence...
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Drawing Videos

I am frequently called upon to create drawings for presentations and explainer videos or advertising videos or education videos.

My style of drawing videos and explainer videos differs from the vast majority of video productions because they are actual drawings which unfold, drawn by an actual artist who knows how to draw. The appearance can vary in different illustration styles, we can use color, we can use painterly brush strokes, pen, or pencil sketches. It is an actual work of art unfolding. The intrigue also lies in what unfolds first and what unfolds next.

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Cover Illustration – Nebelspalter Magazine May 2022

Commissioned cover illustration in a fun, colourful, cartoon style on the topic of „public transportation“

Appeared in Nebelspalter Magazine, May 2022

Nebelspalter Titelblatt Mai 2022 “Stossverkehr” von Ian David Marsden

The Nebelspalter is a Swiss satirical magazine. It was founded in 1875 by Jean Nötzli of Zurich as an “illustrated humorous political weekly.” The magazine was modelled on British magazine Punch. When Punch ceased publication in 2002, Nebelspalter became the oldest continually published humour magazine in the world.

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Marsden Illustration