
Personal sketchbook of cartoonist and illustrator Ian David Marsden

Welcome to my sketchbook and doodle gallery. As an illustrator and cartoonist, I constantly find myself doodling. From the earliest days when I first held a pen, my hands have been ceaselessly engaged in drawing, sketching, and scribbling.

Wherever my travels take me – be it on a plane, train, or merely a trip to the local coffee shop – my sketchbook, and of course my beloved iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, are ever-present by my side. It’s not only a cherished companion but also a sanctuary where I encapsulate my fleeting thoughts and burgeoning ideas. This sketchbook stands as an invaluable asset, granting me the liberty to explore without the constraints of deadlines or client expectations.

It’s within these pages that cartoon concepts take form, where I dabble with new techniques, conceive characters, and experiment with varied styles. At times, these sketches blossom into finalized illustrations, while on other occasions, they stay true to their original form as unrefined doodles.

Whenever I find myself grappling with a project or devoid of inspiration, a brief session of doodling often proves to be the catalyst, propelling me past creative impasses and igniting fresh concepts.

Displayed below is an assortment of my doodles and sketches. While some are fleeting captures of a moment, others are elaborate renderings. Through them, I hope to offer you a window into my creative journey and perhaps stir the doodler within you.

For a more frequent rendezvous with my sketches and artistic ventures, I invite you to follow me on social media. And if my style resonates with you or you envisage a bespoke illustration, please reach out.


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I have an instagram channel which frequently features current sketches and glimpses into my studio.
I invite you to join me there as well.

Sketchbook | Advertising and Business | Videos and Animation | Editorial Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Cartoons and Comics | Packaging Design | Google Doodles | Children’s Book Illustration | Ritzenhoff | Wacom Featured Artist | Latoya Jackson

CV Ian Marsden English | CV Ian Marsden Français | CV Ian Marsden Deutsch

For a partial client list and testimonials please visit my biography page.

© Copyright 2023 the individual clients / artist: Ian David Marsden

(Displayed on my personal homepage for self-promotional
purposes under rights granted by my terms and conditions.)

sketchbook, doodle, gallery, illustration, cartoonist, creativity, techniques, characters, styles, inspiration, social media, custom illustration.

#sketchbook #doodle #gallery #illustration #cartoonist #creativity #techniques #characters #styles #inspiration #socialmedia #customillustration.

Marsden Illustration