06/10/2023 |
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Posted by:
idmarsden |
Adobe Illustrator ,
Advertising ,
Bandes Dessinees ,
business comics ,
Cartoonist ,
Character Design ,
clean illustration ,
Cleaning Products ,
Erklaervideo ,
Erklärvideo ,
explainer illustration ,
Freelance Illustrator ,
Henkel ,
Ian David Marsden ,
illustrateur ,
Illustrateur France ,
Illustration ,
Illustration Deutschland ,
Illustration France ,
Illustration Schweiz ,
illustration vectoriel ,
Illustrator ,
Illustrator Deutschland ,
Illustrator Schweiz ,
independent illustrator ,
infographisme ,
infographiste ,
logo ,
logo design ,
logos ,
Marsden ,
Marsden Illustration ,
Clean and clear line-art illustrations intended to explain how to prepare and use Henkel cleaning products (Bref, General) and their effects and lasting protection in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. The artwork needed to be understood without words / language independent.
My artwork is displayed in my personal portfolio for self-promotional purposes as outlined in my terms and conditions.
All artwork © Copyright 2015 – 2020 by the individual rights holders and Ian David Marsden
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Explainer Illustrations for Cleaning Product s Client: Henkel , BREF (General) Agency: Rock Brasiliano Art Director: Stephan Eisenblätter 2015
Tags: Bref , business cartoons , business comics , Business Illustration , clean style , cleaning products , Corporate Illustration , Explainer , explainer illustration , Freelance Illustrator , freischaffender illustrator , General , Henkel , Illustration , Illustration Deutschland , illustration Schweiz , illustrator , illustrator Deutschland , illustrator Schweiz , kitchen , kitchen cleaning , language independent , line art , lineart , no words , ohne worte , schweizer illustrator , spot illustration , swiss illustrator , toilet , toilet cleaning , vector , vectoriel , Vektor