
Affiches illustrés touristiques Pic Saint Loup par Ian Marsden, Illustrateur Freelance

En tant qu’illustrateur freelance expérimenté résidant dans la région de Saint Mathieu de Tréviers, près de Montpellier, je suis ravi de partager avec vous ma série d’illustrations inspirées par les scènes typiques et l’atmosphère vivante de la région du Pic Saint Loup, où j’ai élu domicile depuis près de 20 ans. Ces œuvres, capturent l’esprit de la vie quotidienne et des loisirs dans cette région unique, à travers mon expérience personnelle et artistique.

Après avoir quitté Los Angeles pour un village viticole dans le sud de la France, j’ai été captivé par le charme et la vitalité de la région du Pic Saint Loup. Mon style artistique, alliant la précision du dessin à la main à la douceur de l’aquarelle, offre une représentation authentique et attrayante, idéale pour des illustrations éditoriales ou publicitaires et bien sûr, j’ai aussi illustré des BD et des livres pour enfants..

Parmi ma collection d’affiches, vous trouverez “C’est l’heure de l’apéro”, où une charmante lapine et un sanglier élégant sont équipés de délicieuses boissons et d’amuse-bouches, le tout devant un magnifique coucher de soleil sur le Pic Saint Loup.

Dans “J’ai les boules”, le Loup et ses amis jouent à la pétanque sur la place du village de Claret, une scène qui respire la convivialité.

Une autre création, “La vie en Rose”, montre deux jeunes amoureux sur une Vespa rose en route pour un pique-nique romantique, avec un panier bien garni incluant un rosé frais de la région.

Et il y a “Objectif Pic”, un hommage à une célèbre couverture de Tintin. Ici, le loup et ses amis se dirigent vers le pic pour une aventure palpitante, au volant de leur classique véhicule Mehari.

Chaque affiche reflète le charme et la joie de la région de Saint Mathieu de Tréviers, illustrant mon amour pour ce lieu magnifique à travers un art vibrant et coloré.

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Concept Art for Lindt Chocolate

In this gallery I would like to show some concept illustrations created in 2015 for Lindt Chocolate.

Lindt Gold Bunny / Goldhase
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Cartoon Portrait Commissions from Photographs

Welcome to my homepage.

I’m Ian David Marsden, an internationally experienced illustrator and cartoonist. I also provide an additional service. I create custom, commissioned cartoon portraits from photographs for all kinds of uses. Social Media cartoon avatars, wedding or anniversary gifts as framed artwork, company or sports teams, vanity projects such as custom stationery or stickers, even artwork which is then transformed into actual tattoos. High resolution digital files are provided to you which allow you to produce items from cups, t-shirts, magnets, stamps, letterhead, stickers. Want to advertise your business with a fun portrait of yourself or your team? Suprise a loved one with a cartoon featuring a memorable (or embarassing) milestone from your lives? Digital files or actual hand drawn, inked and colored original artwork on high quality watercolor paper as a super exclusive and elegant present.

Let’s not forget birthday cards, company, team or family Christmas or Holiday cards with custom seasons-related illustrations. Graduations, Awards, Invitations, Parties, Special Events…

Crafting Your Unique Tale

What sets these portraits apart is the level of customization they offer. It’s about capturing the essence of individuals, the soul of a band, or the heart of a family. For instance, a blues band desired to have each band member’s distinctive head portrayed with their instruments, all of them cruising in a classic VW van. Families often want their pets to be part of the picture, their house in the background, enterprises might want their company logo lovingly hand-drawn on the holiday card featuring their team portrait. When I say customization, I mean anything is possible—it’s your story, after all.

Caricature, Cartoon of the Band Take the 55, illustration
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Illustrated Workflow of Graph Database Modeling – Explainer Video

In this illustrated explainer video, I was tasked by the client to follow the steps of graph database development from the architect to the database admin to the developers. 

With appealing illustrations that unfold before your eyes, this explainer video showcases the step-by-step process of how each team member contributes and collaborates to create a successful graph database. The animations and illustrations by created by me (artist Ian David Marsden) effectively communicate intricate procedures by utilizing character designs that personify different professions, along with vibrant graphic symbols. This approach results in a clear and visually appealing presentation.

Illustrated Workflow of Software Development for Businesses - Explainer Video

Custom illustrations and animations by artist Ian David Marsden.

 Contact Ian for a free consultation to discuss your project.

 #illustration #explainervideo #softwaredevelopment #teamcollaboration #databaseadministration #businessillustration #customillustrations #startups #advertising #marketing #illustrator #illustration #cartoonist #graphdatabase

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Drawn by Human Hand – Created by Natural Intelligence

Is the technological singularity just around the corner?

This is not an anti-AI post. It’s remarkable to see how far artificial intelligence (AI) has come, to the point where it can now compete with human abilities. I stare in marvel (and horror) at the current generation of AI generated images.

made by human hand - made with natural intelligence - illustrated logo - free to use, royalty free,

Maybe the above logo will become the art equivalent of the BIO labels at grocery stores

I am not someone who shies away from new tools or techniques, nor am I a technophobe. As someone who has been an avid fan and user of computers since childhood, I have experienced the evolution of technology firsthand. It always seemed inevitable that this day would arrive at some point, I think what is most surprising is how rapidly it is suddenly advancing. It is difficult for us to understand, because the human brain is not wired for exponential growth. We simply can not understand and imagine it.

Made by human hand and natural intelligence...
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Homage to Aline Kominsky-Crumb

Homage to Aline Kominsky-Crumb

1st May to 21st November 2023
Galerie Vidourle Prix, Sauve (30)
4 rue des bourgades
+33 (0) 4 66 88 76 33

I’m honored to be participating in an exhibition in homage to Aline Kominsky-Crumb (1948 – 2022) at Galerie Vidourle Prix in Sauve. The noted underground and feminist comic artist and wife of Robert Crumb, who sadly passed away after a brief illness in 2022. The exhibition will feature a retrospective of her art, as well as new and unseen artwork by over 20 artists, including myself and also Robert Crumb and their daughter Sophie Crumb. The exhibition runs from May 1st until November 21st.

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A Festive Creation: An Animated Holiday Card to Remember

As we celebrate the holiday season, I’m excited to share with you a project that truly captures the spirit of joy and togetherness. I had the distinct pleasure of working once again with AN2V, the Association Nationale de la Vidéoprotection. Established in 2004 by Dominique LEGRAND, AN2V stands as the foremost authority on videosurveillance and videoprotection in France. Their commitment to facilitating the exchange of experiences in the field of security technology is both impressive and inspiring. AN2V’s unique approach, bridging the needs of public and private users with the expertise of security technology companies, sets them apart as true innovators in their field.

Now, let me take you on a journey into the heart of the holiday season. I am delighted to introduce you to an elegant and captivating animated holiday card I had the pleasure of bringing to life. This enchanting card features the newly designed 3D version of AN2V’s logo, representing the evolution of their visual identity, which I had previously crafted for the client. Picture a serene winter night, where a charming chalet stands amidst a blanket of snow, surrounded by towering pine trees. Warm light spills from the chalet’s windows, casting a gentle glow on the pristine snow below. In the foreground, a beautifully adorned Christmas tree adds a touch of festive magic, while a welcoming wreath graces the chalet’s door. AN2V’s logo rests gracefully in the snow, bathed in the soft radiance of the holiday season. What sets this animated card apart is its timelapse transformation, evolving from intricate black lines into a vibrant, heartwarming scene that captures the essence of the season.

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Cartoon Nebelspalter – Wenn Bastien Girod zweimal klingelt

Illustrator und Cartoonist Ian David Marsden – Illustrations Blog

Ich freue mich sehr, hier meine jüngste Illustration im Nebelspalter Nummer 4/2023 mit euch teilen zu können.

Der Cartoon ist als “Tor des Monats” in Begleitung zu einem Text von Ralph Weibel entstanden, und bildet eines der neuesten Abenteuer des Schweizer grünen Politikers Bastien Girod ab.
“Cartoon Nebelspalter – Wenn Bastien Girod zweimal klingelt”

Die Szene ist in einer luxuriösen Wohnung angesiedelt, wo eine schnelldenkende Dame ihre Haustiere kurzerhand in Menschenkleidung in Szene gesetzt hat, um es so aussehen zu lassen, als ob sie viele Mitbewohner hätte. Girod, als Karikatur hoffentlich erkennbar, macht gerade einen Überraschungsbesuch, um seinen Vorschlag zur Umsiedlung von alleinstehenden Menschen, die in großen Wohnflächen leben, zu diskutieren. Wie Sie sich vorstellen können, wird die “viele Bewohner”-Illusion bei Girod nicht unbedingt ankommen.

Link: Gallerie mit vielen weiteren Cartoons

Link zum Artikel: Printausgabe Nebelspalter

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How to Effectively Use Mascots and Comic Art to Convey Your Message – Marsden Illustration

Mascots and comic art are powerful marketing tools that businesses of all sizes and types can use to effectively communicate their message to audiences of all ages and completely transcend language barriers.

The Power of Comic Strips

Comic strips can communicate concepts and ideas to audiences of all ages and completely transcend languages. They can be used to give friendly reminders, offer tips, and provide educational material. For example, Coca-Cola assigned me to create wordless comic strips to remind people to recycle cans which were printed directly on the cans. These strips can also be used for internal purposes such as employee training and skill development, corporate training and executive briefings, or to enhance presentations and PowerPoint slides. They are also a wonderful media for e-learning or educational material.

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Gianni Infantino – Tor des Monats

Gianni Infantino – Tor des Monats

Gianni Infantino – FIFA President – Tor des Monats, Nebelspalter

Karikatur von FIFA Präsident Gianni Infantino für den Nebelspalter “Tor des Monats”

Stell Dir vor, es ist Fussball-WM und keiner will hin.
In Qatar gibt es Gratis-Tickets und Glühwein zu Feuerwerkskerzen auf dem Adventskranz.
Zum Artikel “Infantino freut sich auf die infantilste WM” von Hans Abplanalp
Karikatur von Cartoonist Ian David Marsden für Nebelspalter Nr. 11 2022

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Dräger – Break the Chain of Infection

Comic drawing of a lady wondering what kind of stains are in her kitchen chocolate ketchup or others

A series of 4 videos and posters created for Dräger on the topic “Break the chain of infection”
The comic strips have no text so they are language independent and can be used internationally. The same goes for the video series.

The four different areas covered are: Infection prevention and control, increase Patient Safety,
Infection Prevention by Design and Improved Workflow

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Marsden Illustration