
Concept Art for Lindt Chocolate

In this gallery I would like to show some concept illustrations created in 2015 for Lindt Chocolate.

Lindt Gold Bunny / Goldhase
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AN2V Kakemonos / Commercial Banner Illustration

I am frequently consulted by my clients to assist with marketing and advertising projects, with concepts and ideas, layouts and graphic design suggestions as well as of course drawings and illustration elements.

AN2V, the Association Nationale de la Vidéoprotection approached me for a very interesting project. Founded in 2004 by Dominique LEGRAND, this remarkable association was established to address the growing need for the exchange of experiences in the field of security technology. At the time, video surveillance, which we now call videoprotection, lacked structure, and many users were grappling with the challenges of deployment.

What sets AN2V apart is its unique combination of “demand” from both public and private users, along with companies offering products and services in the realm of security technologies. AN2V is truly one of a kind, and I was privileged to collaborate with them.

AN2V presented me with an exciting challenge – to create three distinctive, large-scale Kakémono display banners, each measuring 2.10 meters by 0.85 meters. These banners were designed to represent three key facets of AN2V’s activities: training, the association itself, and the universities they organize.

Two of the AN2V Kakemono banners on display at a tradeshow
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Erklaervideos in Deutscher Sprache

Ich bin nicht nur ein veröffentlichter Cartoonist, Comic Zeichner und Graphic-Novel-Autor und erfahrener Illustrator mit internationalen Kunden, sondern biete auch individuelle animierte Erklärvideos und handgezeichnete Videoanimationen an. Seine hochwertigen, einzigartigen Visuals erwecken Markenbotschaften zum Leben. Mit einem Diplom in Animation von der AET Academy of Entertainment Technology am Santa Monica College reicht Ians Expertise von frühen professionellen Animationsdiensten in Macromedia Shockwave und Flash bis hin zu Projekten mit Adobe Creative Cloud. Sein Prozess deckt jeden Schritt ab – von der Konzeptentwicklung über Storyboarding und Charakterdesign bis hin zur Animation – mit Optionen für Standbilder und druckfertige Grafiken für umfassende Kampagnen.

Was Sie mit den Animationsdiensten von Marsden Illustration erhalten

Ians Animationen begeistern Zielgruppen auf Plattformen wie YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn und Websites. Jedes Full-Service-Projekt bietet individuelle Kunstwerke, Storyboarding und einen reibungslosen, professionellen Ablauf mit Pauschalpaketen und vollständiger Rechteübertragung.

Warum Ians Videoproduktionen wählen?

Individuelle, handgezeichnete Illustrationen: Originalkunstwerke, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse jedes Projekts zugeschnitten sind.

Umfassendes Projektmanagement: Vom ersten Konzept bis zum fertigen Endprodukt.

Multiplattform-Anwendungen: Ideal für Kampagnen, soziale Medien, Printmedien und Präsentationen.

Transparente Preise & Rechte: Pauschalpakete sorgen für volle Eigentumsrechte ohne Überraschungen.

Bereit für eine unvergessliche Animation? Kontaktieren Sie Ian Marsden, um Ihre Vision zu besprechen und ein individuelles Angebot zu erhalten.

PDF-Portfolio herunterladen

Skizzenbuch | Werbung und Business | Videos und Animation | Redaktionelle Illustrationen | Logo- und Charakterdesign | Cartoons und Comics | Verpackungsdesign | Google Doodles | Kinderbuchillustrationen | Ritzenhoff | Wacom Featured Artist | Latoya Jackson

Lebenslauf Ian Marsden Englisch | Lebenslauf Ian Marsden Français | Lebenslauf Ian Marsden Deutsch

Für eine Übersicht meiner Kundenliste und Kundenbewertungen besuchen Sie bitte meine Biografie-Seite.

© Copyright 2024 die jeweiligen Kunden / Künstler: Ian David Marsden

(Auf meiner Homepage zu Selbstpromotionszwecken angezeigt
gemäß den in meinen Nutzungsbedingungen festgelegten Rechten.)

individuelle erklärvideos, animierte erklärvideos, handgezeichnete videoanimationen, professioneller animator, zeichner deutschland, illustrateur montpellier, zeichner schweiz, illustrator frankreich, whiteboard animation, videoanimationen für social media, macromedia flash animation, adobe animate projekte, storyboard und charakterdesign, videos für youtube, videos für linkedin, videoanimationen für tiktok, kreative animationsprojekte, illustrateur france, animation und design, videoanimationen für präsentationen

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JOHNNY – SLAMTOWN “Office of Mayor” – Wrestling T-shirt

Various Designs for John Hennigan by Ian David Marsden

I had the pleasure of creating another cool wrestling shirt design for the legendary wrestler John Hennigan, who is also known as Johnny Impact, Johnny Nitro, Johnny Mundo, and most recently as the mayor of SLAMTOWN. This time around, the shirt design is titled “SLAMTOWN Office of Mayor”, featuring a striking illustration of a skull and crossbones, adorned with Johnny’s trademark sunglasses with crosses on the lenses.

Creating this shirt design for John was an amazing experience. He is one of the easiest and most amazing clients I have ever had the pleasure of working for. He trusts my creativity and lets me use my imagination, allowing me to create designs that truly capture his essence as a wrestler and entertainer.

John Hennigan is a true wrestling legend, with a career spanning over two decades. He has won numerous championships across different wrestling promotions, including WWE, Impact Wrestling, and Lucha Underground. He has also ventured into acting, appearing in movies and TV shows such as “Boone: The Bounty Hunter” and “Survivor”.

This is not the first time I’ve worked with John. In fact, I previously designed a wrestling shirt for him titled “This is My World” featuring his Johnny Mundo persona. It was a fun and challenging project that allowed me to push my creative limits and come up with a design that captured John’s persona perfectly.

SLAMTOWN – Office of Mayor Shirt design by Ian David Marsden

In conclusion, it was an absolute honor to work with John Hennigan again and create a cool wrestling shirt design that represents his new role as the mayor of SLAMTOWN. If you’re a fan of John Hennigan or wrestling in general, make sure to check out this shirt and add it to your collection. And if you’re in need of a talented illustrator, cartoonist, character designer, or producer of explainer videos, don’t hesitate to contact me for your next creative project.

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Wine Surfers – Custom Illustration for Invitation

Custom Illustration for a personal invitation based on photographs provided by the client. The people needed to be recognizable and the drawing had to have a connection to surfing and also to wine.

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Artist Instagram and TikTok with lots of sketches, doodles and live drawings

It’s been a while since I updated my news blog. Things have been rather quiet on the project front due to the pandemic (like for many), so I don’t have a lot of new client work to show you, but I thought I would say a quick hello.

I recently started a TikTok channel, where I mostly post recordings of live drawings (digital and analog). So if you are on there and enjoy drawings, drop by and have a look.

I only have 120 followers here so far, so you can become a member of a highly exlusive club. 😀

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Article sur Ian Marsden – Autour du Pic

Je tiens à remercier le magazine Autour du Pic et son rédacteur en chef, Olivier Westermann, pour avoir publié un article d’une page entière sur moi et mon travail.

J’ai eu le plaisir de faire un dessin personnalisé pour accompagner l’article à l’occasion du remplacement de la croix du Pic Saint Loup qui avait été vandalisée.

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Custom Original Artwork as Exclusive Gifts


Custom Exclusive Artwork based on your instructions and photographs – (people or animals) by award-winning international artist. A highly unique and personal gift for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations. You receive an original hand inked and painted piece of art.

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Artwork for Series of Micro Learning Videos

Character Design, Backround Design, Asset Design and Illustrations for “Knowledge Nuggets” micro-learning videos for the United States Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI).

Artist: Ian David Marsden
Media: Vector Artwork in Adobe Illustrator CC

More examples of explainer videos and whiteboard videos with my artwork and a description of the production process can be found HERE

Knowledge Nuggets Artwork by Ian David Marsden
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Avatar and Character Design


Avatars and character designs to be used in print, motion graphics, whiteboard videos, or explainer videos. Detailed and shaded in different styles or flat line art and vector graphics. Delivered on layers ready for import into your layout software or Premiere or After Effects.

Various different vector character avatars
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Marsden Illustration