It’s been a while since I updated my news blog. Things have been rather quiet on the project front due to the pandemic (like for many), so I don’t have a lot of new client work to show you, but I thought I would say a quick hello.
I recently started a TikTok channel, where I mostly post recordings of live drawings (digital and analog). So if you are on there and enjoy drawings, drop by and have a look.

I only have 120 followers here so far, so you can become a member of a highly exlusive club. 😀
Confinement and these very unusual times mean that we have more time to surf the web and discover new things.
I am thrilled to announce that my marsdenillustration instagram channel recently reached the 12K followers mark.
I am truly delighted and honored that so many people enjoy watching my cartoons, live drawings, procreate art on my iPad and doodles in my sketchbooks as well as other glimpses into my studio and my life.
If you are an instagrammer, why not have a look and see what I am currently doodling.