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Comic Strips Sustainable Energy

Meet Fox, a curious and enthusiastic cartoon character eager to embrace a more ecological, energy-efficient lifestyle. Alongside him is Major Domo, a resourceful and witty little robot who offers insightful tips to save energy, reduce costs, and protect the environment. Created for my France based Client: Sustain-D. Together, they navigate various everyday scenarios, showing how small changes can lead to big improvements in sustainability.

A practical comic showing a fox and robot discussing utility bills and energy efficiency, featuring a colorful efficiency scale and meter reading. Bandes dessinées by Ian David Marsden, based in Montpellier, France.
Fox and robot discussing a breakdown of energy costs in a comic strip created by Ian David Marsden
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Découvrez le jeu PILLAGE autour du Pic

Découvrez PILLAGE autour du Pic : Une Aventure Unique au Cœur du Pic Saint-Loup

Boîte de Pillage autour du Pic illustrée par Ian David Marsden, mettant en avant une scène colorée de chasse au trésor.

Disponible maintenant dans la boutique L’Esprit du Pic, Place de l’Hermet à 34270 Claret

La légende raconte que trois frères, Loup, Clair et Guiral, étaient tous trois épris de la belle Berthe. Ne sachant choisir entre ses prétendants, celle-ci leur demanda de partir en guerre et promit d’épouser le plus valeureux à leur retour. Malheureusement, à leur retour, Berthe avait trépassé. Les trois frères, désespérés, décidèrent de vivre en ermite, chacun sur un mont. En leur hommage, les monts furent nommés mont Saint-Clair (Sète), mont Guiral (près du mont Aigoual) et le Pic Saint-Loup.

Ce que la légende ne dit pas, c’est qu’avant de se retirer, Loup enterra sa fortune aux quatre coins du Pic Saint-Loup. Les plus grands chercheurs de trésors se sont donnés rendez-vous au pied du Pic Saint-Loup, bien décidés à déterrer et piller ces trésors cachés !

Plongez dans cette quête épique avec PILLAGE autour du Pic. Ce jeu de société captivant, où stratégie et observation se mêlent à l’exploration, vous invite à incarner des aventuriers prêts à affronter mille dangers et énigmes pour découvrir des richesses oubliées.

Ce jeu de société magnifiquement illustré, imaginé par l’auteure et conceptrice de jeux Christelle Boisse, allie aventure, personnages hauts en couleur et lieux époustouflants pour offrir une expérience qui captivera petits et grands.

Plateau central de Pillage autour du Pic illustré par Ian David Marsden, avec des détails inspirés des paysages du Pic Saint-Loup.

Des personnages fascinants tels que le flamboyant pirate Laurent le Rouge, la mystérieuse Lady Araignée, et la belle Dona Flora partent en quête de trésors cachés dans des lieux emblématiques comme les champs d’oliviers, les vignobles ou d’autres sites enchanteurs. Chaque personnage et chaque lieu, superbement illustrés, enrichissent le récit et plongent les joueurs dans une aventure palpitante à chaque partie.

Cartes de Personnage de Pillage autour du Pic

À l’origine de PILLAGE autour du Pic se trouve Christelle Boisse, une formatrice spécialisée en tests psychotechniques, reconnue pour son expertise dans les jeux de logique et les énigmes.

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Welcome to Marsden’s Art House: A Creative Space for Artists and Dreamers

Step Inside Marsden’s Art House: A New YouTube Space for Artists

Where Creativity Lives!

Every great work of art begins with a single line. And every artist needs a space to explore, experiment, and grow. That’s why I’m excited to invite you to Marsden’s Art House, my brand-new YouTube channel—your creative studio away from home.

Procreate Beginner Level - brushes and coloring | Marsden's Art House 🍎

Here, you’ll find:

• Thoughtfully crafted step-by-step tutorials on sketching, inking, and digital art that break complex techniques into approachable methods.

Behind-the-scenes insights into how I structure my graphic novels, from storyboarding in Clip Studio Paint to polishing pages in Photoshop and Illustrator.

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Je Parle Anglais. Je Suis Français. Je Peux Aider

Rendez Paris Encore Plus Accueillant: Soutenez les Touristes Anglophones Pendant les Jeux Olympiques !

Bonjour chers amis parisiens ! Alors que Paris se prépare à accueillir les Jeux Olympiques, voici une initiative joyeuse pour aider les visiteurs à se sentir chez eux. Pas seulement à Paris, et pas seulement pendant les Jeux Olympiques de 2024. Cette initiative s’adresse aussi à toutes les villes et villages français, même après les Jeux Olympiques.

I am French. I speak English. I can help.
“Je Parle Anglais. Je Suis Français. Je Peux Aider”

Cette campagne “Je Parle Anglais. Je Suis Français. Je Peux Aider”, une idée originale d’Anne Weber, fondatrice du cabinet IN TALENT WE TRUST et de Facteur Humain Le Blog, ( ) , est parfaite pour les Jeux Olympiques, mais peut aussi être utilisée dans n’importe quelle ville ou village français, à tout moment, si vous souhaitez être ouverts et accueillants envers les visiteurs anglophones.

Pour vous associer, un superbe visuel illustré vectoriel, créé par le dessinateur et illustrateur Ian David Marsden, est mis à disposition. Parfait pour imprimer des badges, des t-shirts, des autocollants ou pour décorer vos vitrines, ce visuel vous permettra de montrer fièrement que vous parlez anglais et êtes prêt à aider. En affichant ce badge, vous faites savoir aux touristes qu’ils peuvent compter sur vous pour rendre leur séjour plus agréable et sans souci. Ce visuel est libre de droits et peut être utilisé gratuitement, à condition de respecter les spécificités indiquées dans l’avertissement légal ci-dessous.*

[Téléchargez le Visuel Illustré Vectoriel Ici]

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Merry Christmas – I sing the Grinch song.

As 2023 draws to a close, I reflect on a year filled with creativity, collaboration, and, most importantly, your continued support.

Enclosed is this year’s Christmas card from me to you.

🎅 Illustrated Holiday Cartoon Card with Santa and the Grinch by Ian David Marsden 🍷

This year, our jolly friend Santa is enjoying a glass of exquisite Pic Saint-Loup red wine I left out for him – a refined alternative to milk and cookies and a tribute to the beautiful Languedoc region where my studio and home are located. The Grinch just couldn’t resist and grabbed a bottle too.

I even sang a little serenade on the video Holiday Greeting Card, the classic: “You’re a mean one, Mister Grinch”.

(Don’t worry, I won’t be quitting my day job – singing is just a hobby.)

Click HERE to view the full-size (and animated) version of the card on YouTube.

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“Gezeichnet 2023” in Bern: Schweizer Pressezeichnungen im Jahresrückblick

I’m delighted to announce my return to the renowned “Gezeichnet” exhibition in Bern, Switzerland. After several years, I am participating again, this time with five of my press drawings from the past year, showcasing my work as an editorial illustrator and cartoonist for the Nebelspalter satirical magazine.

The exhibition’s Vernissage, a key highlight, is scheduled for tomorrow evening, December 14th. It will commence at the Yehudi Menuhin Forum with an engaging Vernissage Talk, followed by an exhibition viewing and apéro at the Bern Museum for Communication.

This occasion presents a rare opportunity to personally meet many of the participating Swiss press cartoonists. The evening will also feature a live discussion hosted by Arena moderator Sandro Brotz, joined by two prominent politicians for a mix of political and humorous reflections on the year. Additionally, caricaturists Caroline Rutz and Carlo Schneider will offer live satirical commentary.

Exhibition Details:
“Gezeichnet 2023”
Bern Museum for Communication
Duration: December 15, 2023, to February 25, 2024
Location: Helvetiastrasse 16, 3000 Bern 6
Contact: T 031 357 55 55

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Concept Drawings: Volkswagen Sedric

Creating Concept Drawings for the Volkswagen Sedric Concept Car Presentation at CEBIT 2018 *

As an illustrator, I encounter various projects, each offering distinct challenges and creative opportunities. One particular project that holds a significant place among my favortes is the creation of concept drawings for the Volkswagen Sedric Concept Car presentation at CEBIT 2018. These drawings aimed to convey a compelling narrative, capturing the essence of this innovative concept car in a visually engaging manner. Familiar with the unpredictable nature of creative projects, I embraced the challenge when the assignment came on short notice. Time constraints were no obstacle for me, as I thrive in such situations, drawing upon experience and adaptability to deliver results swiftly and effectively.

The Volkswagen Sedric self-driving concept car is a pioneering innovation in the automotive world, representing a glimpse into the future of mobility. Designed with a focus on autonomous driving technology, the Sedric Concept Car aims to redefine the way we perceive transportation. This revolutionary vehicle embodies Volkswagen’s commitment to innovation, sustainable transportation, and cutting-edge design. With its sleek, futuristic appearance and state-of-the-art autonomous capabilities, the Sedric Concept Car is not just an automobile; it’s a visionary step towards a new era of transportation that prioritizes safety, convenience, and environmental sustainability.

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Künzli Optik’s Optical Illusion

Advertising Illustration for Künzli Optik Switzerland

In the world of advertising illustration, let’s explore a captivating scenario where eyeglasses have the remarkable ability to transform everyday people into potential celebrities. This imaginative concept found its way to my drawing board, thanks to Creative Director Daniel Matter from the respected advertising agency Matter & Gretener.

I’m Ian David Marsden, an experienced illustrator passionate about visual storytelling. I had the privilege of bringing this compelling idea to life. The task was clear: create minimalist illustrations that delicately balanced intrigue and recognition. The goal was simple – to make you ponder, “Could that be…?”

The outcome? Four remarkable posters and ads that captivated audiences and sparked conversations. Thoughtfully placed in prominent publications, on trams, in public transport, and along roadside billboards, these posters themselves became optical illusions. With a subtle touch, they left you wondering, “Hey, isn’t that a familiar face?”

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Concept Art for Lindt Chocolate

In this gallery I would like to show some concept illustrations created in 2015 for Lindt Chocolate.

Lindt Gold Bunny / Goldhase
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AN2V Kakemonos / Commercial Banner Illustration

I am frequently consulted by my clients to assist with marketing and advertising projects, with concepts and ideas, layouts and graphic design suggestions as well as of course drawings and illustration elements.

AN2V, the Association Nationale de la Vidéoprotection approached me for a very interesting project. Founded in 2004 by Dominique LEGRAND, this remarkable association was established to address the growing need for the exchange of experiences in the field of security technology. At the time, video surveillance, which we now call videoprotection, lacked structure, and many users were grappling with the challenges of deployment.

What sets AN2V apart is its unique combination of “demand” from both public and private users, along with companies offering products and services in the realm of security technologies. AN2V is truly one of a kind, and I was privileged to collaborate with them.

AN2V presented me with an exciting challenge – to create three distinctive, large-scale Kakémono display banners, each measuring 2.10 meters by 0.85 meters. These banners were designed to represent three key facets of AN2V’s activities: training, the association itself, and the universities they organize.

Two of the AN2V Kakemono banners on display at a tradeshow
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Drawn by Human Hand – Created by Natural Intelligence

Is the technological singularity just around the corner?

This is not an anti-AI post. It’s remarkable to see how far artificial intelligence (AI) has come, to the point where it can now compete with human abilities. I stare in marvel (and horror) at the current generation of AI generated images.

made by human hand - made with natural intelligence - illustrated logo - free to use, royalty free,

Maybe the above logo will become the art equivalent of the BIO labels at grocery stores

I am not someone who shies away from new tools or techniques, nor am I a technophobe. As someone who has been an avid fan and user of computers since childhood, I have experienced the evolution of technology firsthand. It always seemed inevitable that this day would arrive at some point, I think what is most surprising is how rapidly it is suddenly advancing. It is difficult for us to understand, because the human brain is not wired for exponential growth. We simply can not understand and imagine it.

Made by human hand and natural intelligence...
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Erklärvideo Schweiz – Part 2 LAP Learning Video

Part 2 in a series of fun and inviting presentation videos for Learning Nuggets for the Swiss Lehrabschlussprüfung (LAP) Vorbereitung training course. Success and a good grade for the LAP test are ensured.

Next Generation Learning: Hand-Drawn Explainer Video

See Part 1 here:

Next-Generation Learning and #BYOD (bring your own devices) prepares you for all phases of this important milestone for your career in Switzerland.

Evolving drawings, llustrations and caricatures invite you to find out more about this outstanding training program in a series of short explainer videos illustrated by Ian David Marsden – .

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How to Effectively Use Mascots and Comic Art to Convey Your Message – Marsden Illustration

Mascots and comic art are powerful marketing tools that businesses of all sizes and types can use to effectively communicate their message to audiences of all ages and completely transcend language barriers.

The Power of Comic Strips

Comic strips can communicate concepts and ideas to audiences of all ages and completely transcend languages. They can be used to give friendly reminders, offer tips, and provide educational material. For example, Coca-Cola assigned me to create wordless comic strips to remind people to recycle cans which were printed directly on the cans. These strips can also be used for internal purposes such as employee training and skill development, corporate training and executive briefings, or to enhance presentations and PowerPoint slides. They are also a wonderful media for e-learning or educational material.

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Nebelspalter Caricature – Appenzell not happy

Cartoon / Caricature Illustration for Nebelspalter Magazine 02/2023 – Tor des Monats.
Apparently Swiss Bundesrat Elisabeth Baume-Schneider said a few things that made the inhabitants of the Appenzell regions somewhat upset.

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider VS Appenzell: Satirical Caricature for Nebelspalter
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The Power of Custom-Created and hand drawn Explainer Videos: Why They’re Worth the Investment

Explainer videos have become a popular tool for businesses and startups to market their products and ideas in an engaging and informative way. But not all explainer videos are created equal. Cheap productions that use reusable clipart and avatars may seem like a cost-effective option, but investing in custom-created and hand-drawn explainer videos can have numerous benefits for your business.

Custom-created and hand-drawn explainer videos offer an elegant and tailored solution to suit any product or presentation. With the art of illustration, any scenario is possible for a reasonable budget, making it a more cost-effective option than traditional methods such as a photoshoot with models, influencers and moviestars and tons of costumes and props in a fancy studio, or on location on a yacht or a private jet. (Why not just draw all of these elements?)

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Marsden Illustration