Neues von Illustrator Ian Marsden – Sommer 2015
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Article sur illustrateur Ian Marsden – Midi Libre 18/04/2015
J’ai fait l’objet d’une parution de presse qui souligne mon activité artistique.
Ce qui me fait très grand plaisir.
Lien: Midi Libre 18/04/2015,1151642.php
Le Savoir Faire de Yan
Yan David Marsden fait parler de lui
Le Dessinateur Yan David Marsden s’illustre encore
Il fait feu de tout bois… avec ses crayons et son imagination.
Yan David Marsden a élargi son champ de compétence culturelle et artistique avec le savoir faire que nous lui connaissons. Illustrateur et dessinateur de talent, il a été tout dernièrement sollicité pour réaliser le logo de la manifestation « Les héritières de Bacchus ». Un événement mis en place par Laurent Lafont qui se déroulera à Claret le samedi 25 avril et qui mettra à l’honneur des vigneronnes de plusieurs région de France , donc trois de la région du Pic Saint-Loup. Actuellement l’on peut voir ce logo sur un vélo-taxi qui sillonne la place de la Comédie.
Yan a également illustré un livre pour enfants (tout petits); un livre de John Townsend qui relate une bien jolie et tendre histoire : dans un bus, un vieux monsieur trouve un œuf très gros ; un œuf couvert de tâches vertes .Il le prend chez lui et le dorlote avec la complicité de son chat. Yan illustre avec bonheur les différentes étapes de cette aventure notamment l’éclosion de cet œuf Et surprise c’est un dragon tout vert qui casse la coquille et pointe sa jolie frimousse .
Actuellement notre Vacquiérois réalise une série de dessins destinés à des tee shirts pour John Morrison un lutteur américain professionnel. Il s’est également distingué dans l’illustration du dessin animé Cick and Collect de Montpellier que l’on peut voir sur internet. D’autre part il a été remarqué par l’entreprise Wacom « Manufacture des écrans interactifs » qui le présente comme un artiste vedette .Malgré cette notoriété grandissante notre artiste reste simple et d’une extrême gentillesse.
Pour mieux connaître son travail : et contact au 06 42 49 82 11.
Read more →Behance Illustrator Portfolio: Ian David Marsden
As a creative professional, it’s essential to maintain an updated and visually appealing online portfolio. Recently, I had the chance to give my Behance profile a much-needed update. Behance is an online platform that allows creatives to showcase their work and connect with others in their field.
My Behance Illustrator Portfolio features a wide variety of my best illustrations, cartoons, logos, and animations, all arranged in a visually pleasing manner. Each project includes a brief description, outlining my inspiration, the tools I used, and the techniques involved. I also make sure to keep my portfolio up-to-date with my latest projects, so you can see my most recent work.
One of the great things about Behance is the ability to connect with other creatives and receive feedback on your work. I am always open to collaboration, and I welcome comments and critiques on my portfolio.
If you’re also on Behance, please stop by and take a look at my updated portfolio. You can find it under my name, Ian David Marsden. Let’s connect and share our creative ideas!
#Behance #portfolio #illustrator #characterdesign #animation #update #digitalart
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In der sich rasch wandelnden digitalen Welt von heute ist dynamischer Content unerlässlich. Angesichts der immer kürzer werdenden Aufmerksamkeitsspannen gilt es, die Zuschauer umgehend zu fesseln und ihr Interesse kontinuierlich aufrechtzuerhalten. Bewegte, handgezeichnete Videos bieten hier eine unschlagbare Lösung. Sie bestechen durch ihren Charme und ihre Dynamik und sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Botschaft nicht nur vermittelt, sondern auch im Gedächtnis bleibt.
Whiteboard- oder Erklärvideos kombinieren Klarheit mit Kreativität, indem sie komplexe Inhalte in anschauliche und unterhaltsame Sequenzen umwandeln. Mit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in Illustration, Charakterdesign und Cartooning bringe ich eine individuelle und hochwertige Note in jedes Videoprojekt.
Unsere Zusammenarbeit startet mit einem intensiven Briefing, das es mir ermöglicht, Ihre Vision und Ihre Anforderungen vollumfänglich zu verstehen. Daraufhin entwickle ich das Drehbuch und das Storyboard, die den narrativen und visuellen Rahmen für das Video bilden. Mein Ansatz zeichnet sich durch Authentizität und Originalität aus. So vermeide ich generische Vorlagen und Charaktere und konzentriere mich stattdessen auf maßgeschneiderte Illustrationen, die perfekt mit Ihrer Marke und Ihrer Botschaft harmonieren.
In einem überfluteten Markt, in dem viele Anbieter auf standardisierte Software und vorgefertigte Zeichnungen zurückgreifen, laufen viele Videos Gefahr, sich zu ähneln und einen uniformen, wenig inspirierten Eindruck zu hinterlassen. Mein Arbeitsansatz ist anders. Jede meiner Produktionen wird sorgfältig handgezeichnet und individuell angefertigt. Die Stilrichtungen, welche Ihnen in meinem Portfolio vielleicht gefallen haben, stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung – von schlichten Schwarz-Weiß-Zeichnungen bis hin zu detailreichen, farbenfrohen Illustrationen.
Doch exzellente Qualität muss nicht unerschwinglich sein. Trotz meiner maßgeschneiderten Dienstleistungen und meiner Expertise bleiben meine Tarife wettbewerbsfähig. Ich arbeite mit transparenten Pauschalangeboten, die den gesamten Produktionszyklus abdecken, sodass Sie stets den Überblick behalten und vor versteckten Kosten geschützt sind. Klare Meilensteine sorgen zudem dafür, dass jedes Projekt seinen geplanten Zeitrahmen einhält.
Ihre Botschaft verdient es, im Mittelpunkt zu stehen. Ob Produktpräsentationen, Service-Demonstrationen oder Geschäftsprozess-Erläuterungen – auf meine Expertise können Sie zählen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf, besprechen Sie ein unverbindliches Angebot mit mir und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam dafür sorgen, dass Ihre Inhalte nicht nur gesehen, sondern auch in Erinnerung bleiben.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie eine Zusammenarbeit in Erwägung ziehen. Ich freue mich auf die mögliche Gelegenheit, mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten.
Was sind Erklärvideos? Sprecher: Ian Marsden
Ein paar Beispiele für Zeichenvideos, Animation, Whiteboard und Erklärvideos unten:
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Greetings! My name is Ian Marsden and I am a professional independent freelance illustrator, designer, animator, and cartoonist with over 20 years of experience. I have worked in various styles and specialize in creating vector digital art, advertising illustrations, graphics for businesses and educational purposes, character design, logo design, mascot design, as well as caricatures and cartoons.
To give you an idea of my capabilities, I have enclosed a poster showcasing a small selection of my work. You can also find more samples of my art and my latest projects on my website at
My portfolio is divided into several categories, including advertising and marketing, editorial, character design, mascot design, and more. Whatever your needs may be, I am confident that I can provide you with the professional and high-quality illustrations and designs that you require.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
#illustrator #designer #cartoonist #freelance #vectorart #advertisingillustration #businessgraphics #educationalgraphics #characterdesign #logodesign #mascotdesign #caricature #cartoons #portfolio #artwork #independentartist #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #marsdenillustration
My illustration portfolio is divided into several categories:
I also specialize in producing and illustrating Whiteboard Scribing Explainer Videos. Here is a YouTube channel with some samples.
Please call me at +33 6 42 49 82 11 or e-mail me for a free estimate and to discuss your project.
This is where you can find my LinkedIn Profile:
I look forward to hearing from you,
Ian David Marsden
Halloween Monster Drawing Tutorial Videos in Adobe Illustrator
Are you ready to create your own Halloween monster designs? Join me on my YouTube channel for a series of tutorial videos where I show you how to draw spooky and fun characters in Adobe Illustrator. With the help of my Wacom Cintiq and Autodesk SketchBook Pro software, you can follow along and learn how to sketch, ink, and color your own vector art.
In the first video, I will teach you digital sketching techniques using Autodesk SketchBook Pro. We will create a basic rough sketch that will serve as the foundation for our Halloween characters. Then, in the next three videos, we will take our rough sketch and move on to inking the lines for the Jack-O-Lantern pumpkin, the witch/vampire lady, and the werewolf character in Adobe Illustrator. Finally, in the fifth video, I will give you a behind-the-scenes look at how I color my vector artwork in Adobe Illustrator using flats, shading, and gradients.
These tutorial videos are perfect for beginners who want to learn how to draw in Adobe Illustrator or for experienced artists who want to sharpen their skills. You can follow along with me step-by-step, and if you have any questions or comments, you can leave them in the comments section on my YouTube channel. Don’t forget to like my Facebook page to stay up to date with my latest projects and videos.
Thank you for watching my tutorial videos. If you’re interested in working with me, you can visit my website to see more samples of my artwork. Let’s create something amazing together!
This is what the rough sketch looked like:
As an illustrator, designer, and character designer, I recently had the opportunity to create a series of work safety illustrations and an original character design for Seele, a leading provider of innovative glass, façade, and steel construction solutions. The aim of the project was to promote industrial safety and hazard prevention in the workplace.
For this project, I created a series of spot illustrations depicting various work safety situations, including how to do it and how NOT to do it. These illustrations were designed to be easily understood by workers and to encourage safe work practices. The illustrations covered a range of topics such as the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), proper lifting techniques, and safe use of machinery.
Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch
The Toyes – Website Illustrations and animated music video for “Smoke 2 Joints” Character Design, Cartoon Illustrations of the Band Members, Illustrations and Flash Animation By Ian David Marsden It was a great pleasure for me to create illustrated cartoon versions of the band members of The Toyes as well as designing a whole bunch of other fun characters such as smoking and dancing trees and several aliens in their UFOs for the animated music video for the classic Toyes Song “Smoke 2 Joints”
Still Frame from the video “Smoke 2 Joints” by The Toyes illustrated and animated by Ian David Marsden –
Watch scenes from the music video and how I work inside Adobe Flash software:
I also created a whole series of illustrations for the official website of The Toyes: which were also really fun to create. There is an illustration or character for each of the song titles on their latest album.
Character Design, Cartoon Illustrations of the Band Members, Illustrations and Flash Animation By Ian David Marsden
Freelance Illustrator, Designer, Cartoonist and Animator
Artwork © Copyright 2014 by Ian David Marsden
More information about Ian, a brief biography, some testimonials and a client list can be found HERE.
Contact Ian Marsden for a free quote for your project: E-mail
Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch
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Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch
Cover Design: The Art of the Personal Statement by Alex Thaler
Cover Illustration by Ian David Marsden
Ian Marsden is an experienced illustrator who has worked with business and corporate clients on various projects.
Please visit the Portfolio for further work samples.
Digital vector illustration in Adobe Illustrator CS5 by illustrator Ian David Marsden.
Alex Thaler: Founder and CEO of, Founder and Managing Member of, Author of “The Art of the Personal Statement.”, Over ten years of experience in test prep/admissions consulting. See:
Order The Art of the Personal Statement directly on Amazon here:
All artwork © Copyright 2014 by Ian David Marsden
More information about Ian, a brief biography, some testimonials and a client list can be found HERE.
Contact Ian Marsden for a free quote for your project: E-mail
Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch
Read more → animated Flash videos for website and YouTube
This is an example of an animated Flash video created together with Bright Bulb Solutions in Los Angeles for the website. is the United States’ number one resource for hair loss information, advice, solutions and products. is the number one resource for hair loss sufferers.
Storyboard, Character Design, Illustrations and Flash Animation:
Ian David Marsden
Client: Bright Bulb Solutions
More videos from the same series can be seen in the “True Beauty” Playlist on YouTube here:
All artwork © Copyright 2014 by Ian David Marsden
More information about Ian, a brief biography, some testimonials and a client list can be found HERE.
Contact Ian Marsden for a free quote for your project: E-mail
Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch
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