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Erklaervideos in Deutscher Sprache

Ich bin nicht nur ein veröffentlichter Cartoonist, Comic Zeichner und Graphic-Novel-Autor und erfahrener Illustrator mit internationalen Kunden, sondern biete auch individuelle animierte Erklärvideos und handgezeichnete Videoanimationen an. Seine hochwertigen, einzigartigen Visuals erwecken Markenbotschaften zum Leben. Mit einem Diplom in Animation von der AET Academy of Entertainment Technology am Santa Monica College reicht Ians Expertise von frühen professionellen Animationsdiensten in Macromedia Shockwave und Flash bis hin zu Projekten mit Adobe Creative Cloud. Sein Prozess deckt jeden Schritt ab – von der Konzeptentwicklung über Storyboarding und Charakterdesign bis hin zur Animation – mit Optionen für Standbilder und druckfertige Grafiken für umfassende Kampagnen.

Was Sie mit den Animationsdiensten von Marsden Illustration erhalten

Ians Animationen begeistern Zielgruppen auf Plattformen wie YouTube, TikTok, LinkedIn und Websites. Jedes Full-Service-Projekt bietet individuelle Kunstwerke, Storyboarding und einen reibungslosen, professionellen Ablauf mit Pauschalpaketen und vollständiger Rechteübertragung.

Warum Ians Videoproduktionen wählen?

Individuelle, handgezeichnete Illustrationen: Originalkunstwerke, die speziell auf die Bedürfnisse jedes Projekts zugeschnitten sind.

Umfassendes Projektmanagement: Vom ersten Konzept bis zum fertigen Endprodukt.

Multiplattform-Anwendungen: Ideal für Kampagnen, soziale Medien, Printmedien und Präsentationen.

Transparente Preise & Rechte: Pauschalpakete sorgen für volle Eigentumsrechte ohne Überraschungen.

Bereit für eine unvergessliche Animation? Kontaktieren Sie Ian Marsden, um Ihre Vision zu besprechen und ein individuelles Angebot zu erhalten.

PDF-Portfolio herunterladen

Skizzenbuch | Werbung und Business | Videos und Animation | Redaktionelle Illustrationen | Logo- und Charakterdesign | Cartoons und Comics | Verpackungsdesign | Google Doodles | Kinderbuchillustrationen | Ritzenhoff | Wacom Featured Artist | Latoya Jackson

Lebenslauf Ian Marsden Englisch | Lebenslauf Ian Marsden Français | Lebenslauf Ian Marsden Deutsch

Für eine Übersicht meiner Kundenliste und Kundenbewertungen besuchen Sie bitte meine Biografie-Seite.

© Copyright 2024 die jeweiligen Kunden / Künstler: Ian David Marsden

(Auf meiner Homepage zu Selbstpromotionszwecken angezeigt
gemäß den in meinen Nutzungsbedingungen festgelegten Rechten.)

individuelle erklärvideos, animierte erklärvideos, handgezeichnete videoanimationen, professioneller animator, zeichner deutschland, illustrateur montpellier, zeichner schweiz, illustrator frankreich, whiteboard animation, videoanimationen für social media, macromedia flash animation, adobe animate projekte, storyboard und charakterdesign, videos für youtube, videos für linkedin, videoanimationen für tiktok, kreative animationsprojekte, illustrateur france, animation und design, videoanimationen für präsentationen

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Custom Whiteboard Videos by Experienced Cartoonist – High Quality and Affordable

Explainer Videos, Whiteboard Animation, and Cartoon Animation by Ian David Marsden

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the necessity for engaging, dynamic content is paramount. As attention spans contract, the ability to swiftly capture and sustain viewer engagement is vital. Moving visuals, especially hand-drawn videos, shine as invaluable assets in this domain. Their charm and animated nature don’t just convey your message; they make it memorable.

Whiteboard or Explainer Videos blend simplicity with creativity, masterfully transforming complex topics into digestible and captivating narratives. With over two decades of expertise in illustration, character design, and cartooning, I infuse every video with a distinct, refined touch.

erene Walk by the Castle at the Lake - Drawing Video by Ian David Marsden

Our partnership kicks off with a comprehensive briefing, allowing me to deeply understand your aspirations and objectives. Scripting and storyboarding follow, laying down the visual and narrative blueprint. I pride myself on my commitment to authenticity and originality. The videos I craft avoid the trappings of generic templates and characters, opting instead for custom illustrations that harmonize with your brand and its message.

In a market saturated with providers leveraging software, pre-loaded drawings, and templated assets, many videos risk looking indistinguishably similar, potentially exuding an air of uninspired mass production. My approach contrasts sharply. Every creation is genuinely hand-drawn, custom-tailored, and deeply attuned to your brand’s ethos. The styles you might have enjoyed in my portfolio? All are at your disposal, from monochromatic sketches to vivid, full-color masterpieces.

Trainiere im Zuerich Gym – 24/7 Fitness mit Europameister Frank Müller

Yet, quality doesn’t necessitate extravagance. Despite offering expert craftsmanship and bespoke content, my rates are surprisingly competitive. The proposition is clear: top-tier quality without the top-tier price. Each collaboration is structured with transparent, flat-rate estimates from conception to completion, ensuring you can plan without the stress of unforeseen costs. Defined milestones keep the project on track and punctual.

Your message deserves prominence. Should you be seeking an authentic, captivating narrative, whether for product showcases, service introductions, or business processes, I am poised to deliver. Reach out, let’s discuss a no-commitment offer, and embark on a journey to make your content distinct, engaging, and memorable.

Thank you for considering a collaboration. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.

Ian Marsden – – iphone/whatsapp: +33 (0)6 42 49 82 11

Custom Illustrated Videos by Ian David Marsden – Hand-Drawn Cartoons

#whiteboardvideos #custommade #cartoonist #highquality #affordable


Next Generation Learning: Hand-Drawn Explainer Video

What ARE Explainer Videos or Whiteboard Videos?

What Are Explainer Videos and Whiteboard Animations? - Ian David Marsden Explains!

What Styles can be used?

Pretty much any style you can find in my art portfolio:

Click gallery images below to enlarge and open slideshow

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”28″ display=”pro_imagebrowser”]

Video combining animation with live action

The World is Not Flat - Seeing & Understanding the All Stars Approach to Human Development

Some examples of video series produced in english, german and french using known voice talents:

Beispielvideo auf Deutsch mit der Stimme von Schauspieler Kaspar Eichel
(Schauspieler und Synchronsprecher. Er ist bekannt als die deutsche Stimme von Robert Redford)

PilzVideo 001 Kultivierung der Pilze

Example Video in English with the voice of David A. Watson

MushroomVideo 002 Production of Mushroom Powder

Vidéo en Français avec la voix de Daniel Beretta
Daniel Beretta, est un acteur, auteur-compositeur-interprète
Également célèbre pour son travail dans le milieu du doublage,
il est notamment la voix française régulière d’Arnold Schwarzenegger

ChampignonVideo 006 L'essentiel en bref

Every video and all illustrations are custom made with care and precision.
No clip-art or stock art. No re-usable characters, no repeated faces, bodies or puppets.
No prefabricated explainer software. 

What are the costs?

Please contact me for a free und non-binding flat-rate estimate, custom made for your needs and project requirements. My flat rates include idea phase, storyboarding, final art, video production and transfer of usage rights (also for characters and artwork).

Knowledge Nuggets for the Federal Acquisition Institute:

What is a Program Manager
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”27″ display=”pro_horizontal_filmstrip” show_captions=”0″]

(character designs, illustrations and backgrounds by Ian David Marsden)
for the Federal Acquisition Institute

Some More Example Videos

Hawlik Vitalpilze – 005 – Wir lassen dem Pilz die volle Zeit zur Reife
Hawlik Gesundheitsprodukte

Hawlik Vitalpilze - 005 - Wir lassen dem Pilz die volle Zeit zur Reife

Dfreeeze Smart Phone App (Deutsche Version) – Digades

dFreeeze Standheizung per App - Animiertes Erklärvideo mit maßgeschneiderten Illustrationen“

Break the chain of Infection IPC Infection prevention and control
Dräger Global

Break the chain of Infection_IPC_Infection prevention and control


Download PDF with art samples: Drawings, Cartoons, Comics, Graphic Novels, Children’s Books

Download PDF with art samples:
Advertising, Marketing, Merchanidising, Vector Art,
Logos, Design, Character Design, Mascots

Sketchbook | Advertising and Business | Videos and Animation | Editorial Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Cartoons and Comics | Packaging Design | Google Doodles | Children’s Book Illustration | Ritzenhoff | Wacom Featured Artist | Latoya Jackson

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch

For a partial client list and testimonials please visit my biography page.

© Copyright 2022 the individual clients / artist: Ian David Marsden
(Displayed on my personal homepage for self-promotional purposes under rights granted by my terms and conditions.)

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Business illustration – clean, clear, appealing, professional

Business illustration – clean, clear, appealing, professional

Artist Ian David Marsden with decades of international experience in the field can provide you with custom-made business illustrations in various styles. Clean, clear, appealing and highly professional illustrations in black and white, with a spot color or fully colored. Text and processes which may seem rather dry or technical can be livened up and rendered more enjoyable and interesting. The readers’ focus can be guided towards important details in a subtle and appealing way. These illustrations can also be used as chapter headers, icons or thumbnails on websites or presentations. There is also the option of having animation or drawing or sliding hand effects, music and voiceover added as well.

Please contact me for a free consultation and a comprehensive flat-fee estimate which will include transferral of usage rights.
iPhone: +33 (0)6 42 49 82 11

I am based in the south of France but I work with clients worldwide and I speak English, German and French.

More business illustrations in my portfolio
A short CV and client list
My LinkedIn page:

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Neues von Illustrator Ian David Marsden – Herbst 2017 Newsletter


Darf ich Ihnen auch meinen Newsletter senden?
(ca 4 x Jährlich)

* obligatorisch

Vorhergehende Newsletter ansehen


Mit grosser Freude schreibe ich diese neue Ausgabe meines persönlichen Zeichner-Newsletters.

Ich habe mein on-line Portfolio komplett überarbeitet und alle Kategorien enthalten neue und aktuelle Illustrationen, Cartoons, Designs und Animationen/Videos welche ich für diverse Kunden gestalten durfte.


Einige Neukunden:

All Stars Project, Carlos Dias, Drägerwerk AG, Executive Learning Systems, Jay Abraham Strategy Institute, Max Curious (NYC), Mycotrition GmbH

Anbei eine kleine Auswahl zur Ansicht.

Für jede Kategorie gibt es ein Titelbild welches durch Anklicken eine Galerie der jeweiligen Stile und Anwendungen öffnet.


Mein persönliches Skizzenbuch

Comics und Cartoons!

Klare, Saubere Business Illustrationen


Editorielle Zeitungsillustration für die NZZ am Sonntag / April 2017

Whiteboard Explainer Videos und Motion Graphics

Logos, Signete, Maskottchen, Etiketten


Karikaturen ab Foto (kein Live-Zeichnen)

Ein Klick auf meine Visitenkarte öffnet ein Mail-Fenster
Direkt auf mein iPhone +33 (0)6 42 49 82 11

PS: Die Instagram Freunde unter euch lade ich herzlich ein,
mich dort zu besuchen.






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Short Demo Reel Video – Illustrator, Cartoonist and Designer: Ian Marsden

Short Fall 2017 Demo Reel

Illustration, Cartoons, Comics and Whiteboard and Explainer Videos by

Ian David Marsden – more in my portfolio at



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Custom Whiteboard and Explainer Video Production – How does it work and what are the costs? | Ian David Marsden

Explainer Videos, Whiteboard Animation, and Cartoon Animation by Ian David Marsden

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the necessity for engaging, dynamic content is paramount. As attention spans contract, the ability to swiftly capture and sustain viewer engagement is vital. Moving visuals, especially hand-drawn videos, shine as invaluable assets in this domain. Their charm and animated nature don’t just convey your message; they make it memorable.

Whiteboard or Explainer Videos blend simplicity with creativity, masterfully transforming complex topics into digestible and captivating narratives. With over two decades of expertise in illustration, character design, and cartooning, I infuse every video with a distinct, refined touch.

erene Walk by the Castle at the Lake - Drawing Video by Ian David Marsden

Our partnership kicks off with a comprehensive briefing, allowing me to deeply understand your aspirations and objectives. Scripting and storyboarding follow, laying down the visual and narrative blueprint. I pride myself on my commitment to authenticity and originality. The videos I craft avoid the trappings of generic templates and characters, opting instead for custom illustrations that harmonize with your brand and its message.

In a market saturated with providers leveraging software, pre-loaded drawings, and templated assets, many videos risk looking indistinguishably similar, potentially exuding an air of uninspired mass production. My approach contrasts sharply. Every creation is genuinely hand-drawn, custom-tailored, and deeply attuned to your brand’s ethos. The styles you might have enjoyed in my portfolio? All are at your disposal, from monochromatic sketches to vivid, full-color masterpieces.

Trainiere im Zuerich Gym – 24/7 Fitness mit Europameister Frank Müller

Yet, quality doesn’t necessitate extravagance. Despite offering expert craftsmanship and bespoke content, my rates are surprisingly competitive. The proposition is clear: top-tier quality without the top-tier price. Each collaboration is structured with transparent, flat-rate estimates from conception to completion, ensuring you can plan without the stress of unforeseen costs. Defined milestones keep the project on track and punctual.

Your message deserves prominence. Should you be seeking an authentic, captivating narrative, whether for product showcases, service introductions, or business processes, I am poised to deliver. Reach out, let’s discuss a no-commitment offer, and embark on a journey to make your content distinct, engaging, and memorable.

Thank you for considering a collaboration. I look forward to the possibility of working with you.

Ian Marsden – – iphone/whatsapp: +33 (0)6 42 49 82 11

Custom Illustrated Videos by Ian David Marsden – Hand-Drawn Cartoons


Next Generation Learning: Hand-Drawn Explainer Video

What ARE Explainer Videos or Whiteboard Videos?

What Are Explainer Videos and Whiteboard Animations? - Ian David Marsden Explains!

What Styles can be used?

Pretty much any style you can find in my art portfolio:

Click gallery images below to enlarge and open slideshow

[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”28″ display=”pro_imagebrowser”]

Video combining animation with live action

The World is Not Flat - Seeing & Understanding the All Stars Approach to Human Development

Some examples of video series produced in english, german and french using known voice talents:

Beispielvideo auf Deutsch mit der Stimme von Schauspieler Kaspar Eichel
(Schauspieler und Synchronsprecher. Er ist bekannt als die deutsche Stimme von Robert Redford)

PilzVideo 001 Kultivierung der Pilze

Example Video in English with the voice of David A. Watson

MushroomVideo 002 Production of Mushroom Powder

Vidéo en Français avec la voix de Daniel Beretta
Daniel Beretta, est un acteur, auteur-compositeur-interprète
Également célèbre pour son travail dans le milieu du doublage,
il est notamment la voix française régulière d’Arnold Schwarzenegger

ChampignonVideo 006 L'essentiel en bref

Every video and all illustrations are custom made with care and precision.
No clip-art or stock art. No re-usable characters, no repeated faces, bodies or puppets.
No prefabricated explainer software. 

What are the costs?

Please contact me for a free und non-binding flat-rate estimate, custom made for your needs and project requirements. My flat rates include idea phase, storyboarding, final art, video production and transfer of usage rights (also for characters and artwork).

Knowledge Nuggets for the Federal Acquisition Institute:

What is a Program Manager
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”27″ display=”pro_horizontal_filmstrip” show_captions=”0″]

(character designs, illustrations and backgrounds by Ian David Marsden)
for the Federal Acquisition Institute

Some More Example Videos

Hawlik Vitalpilze – 005 – Wir lassen dem Pilz die volle Zeit zur Reife
Hawlik Gesundheitsprodukte

Hawlik Vitalpilze - 005 - Wir lassen dem Pilz die volle Zeit zur Reife

Dfreeeze Smart Phone App (Deutsche Version) – Digades

dFreeeze Standheizung per App - Animiertes Erklärvideo mit maßgeschneiderten Illustrationen“

Break the chain of Infection IPC Infection prevention and control
Dräger Global

Break the chain of Infection_IPC_Infection prevention and control


Download PDF with art samples: Drawings, Cartoons, Comics, Graphic Novels, Children’s Books

Download PDF with art samples:
Advertising, Marketing, Merchanidising, Vector Art,
Logos, Design, Character Design, Mascots

Sketchbook | Advertising and Business | Videos and Animation | Editorial Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Cartoons and Comics | Packaging Design | Google Doodles | Children’s Book Illustration | Ritzenhoff | Wacom Featured Artist | Latoya Jackson

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch

For a partial client list and testimonials please visit my biography page.

© Copyright 2022 the individual clients / artist: Ian David Marsden
(Displayed on my personal homepage for self-promotional purposes under rights granted by my terms and conditions.)

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Illustration Newsletter July 2016 Ian David Marsden


Hello dear visitors to my blog,

What I love most of all about my profession as an illustrator and designer, is that I get to be creative in all kinds of different areas and I never really know what’s coming next.

Below, I have put together a selection of some of the fun projects I have recently worked on. I hope you enjoy it.

Before we get started let me wish you a wonderful summer, and just in case you are working during the summer months, it might comfort you to know that you are not alone. I will be doing the same.

I am not going away this year and can be reached in my studio both in July and August and can assist you with any illustration needs that may arise. 

All the very best and here now my latest news…


PS: My portfolio has been completely updated with brand new work, so if you haven’t visited my homepage in a while, please have a look.

Categories are: My Sketchbook | Google Doodles | Advertising and Business Illustration | Editorial Illustration | Comics and Cartoons | RITZENHOFF | Children’s Book Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Packaging Designs 

So, what HAVE I been up to in the past months? Well…

I got to be WILD!…

Tribal style vector animals for poster art.

I got to be STRONG!…

Two new Coffee Love Cappuccino Cups with saucers have been added to my RITZENHOFF Design Collection.

For Hermes Paketversand

For Stadtwerke Wedel

I got to be SILLY…

I added a gallery of my personal sketches and doodles to my homepage.

Ian’s personal sketchbooks and moleskines

I got to be “FAMOUS!” 😎…

I started my own Instagram feed with snapshots, sketches and doodles.

It’s been up for only a few months and I am delighted that I already have over 2200 wonderful people who are interested enough in my tomfoolery, to follow my feed.

If you are also an instagrammer, come on over and join the fun.


My lovely wife Sheryl Marsden has founded a shop called Love French Linen featuring gorgeous linen items from the south of France (where we live).

What could be more appropriate than to use her very own in-house creative department for her photography and logo needs?

Even our dog “Watson” now features prominently in several images as the Love French Linen dog. Undoubtedly he will start his very own newsletter soon, when his modelling career takes off. 😊

Sheryl did a wonderful job and put a lot of thought and care into her linen collection. Please have a look and forward to your friends who might be interested in French linens for bedroom, dining roombathroom and kitchen.

I hope you enjoyed some of the updates and I thank you for your interest.

Please visit my illustration portfolio:
My Sketchbook | Google Doodles | Advertising and Business Illustration | Editorial Illustration | Comics and Cartoons | RITZENHOFF | Children’s Book Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Packaging Designs 


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Neues von Illustrator Ian Marsden – Sommer 2015


Neues von Illustrator Ian David Marsden

Viele Grüsse aus meinem Illustrations Atelier,

Ich würde Ihnen gerne ein kurzes Update über meine Projekte der letzten Zeit geben.

Mehr zu meiner Person: LINK

Ein grosses Dankeschön an diese neuen Kunden, welche ich herzlich willkommen heisse…
Zum Goldenen Hirschen
(München, Hamburg und Berlin – Deutschland)
Rock Brasiliano
Communications and Corporate Creativity
Wir sind ein ideengeführtes Unternehmen für Communications und Corporate Creativity. Unsere Stärke besteht darin, den strategisch-analytischen Scharfsinn mit der Kreativität von Designern, Vordenkern und Textgestaltern intelligent zu kombinieren.
(Hamburg – Deutschland)
Coley Solutions
Smarter Performance Solutions â„¢
We Develop Award Winning Training & Performance Solutions that Empower your Workforce.

Ich hatte das grosse Vergnügen eine Serie von Illustrationen für Reinigungsprodukte der Firma HENKEL zu zeichnen. Hierbei war wichtig, dass die Aussage ohne Text oder sprachliche Elemente verständlich ist.

Kunde: Rock Brasiliano

Dieser Auftrag wurde durch die Illustratoren Repräsentanz, Die Kleinert in München erteilt. Jutta Kleinert repräsentiert mich in Deutschland exklusiv.

Weitere Beispiele: Illustrationen


für Print, Powerpoint und Multimedia.

YJOO ist eine Agentur für Kommunikation, die durch Relevanz Orientierung und nachhaltige Vertrauens-beziehungen schafft. Wir entwickeln Strategien, Inhalte, Form, Design und Prozesse schweizweit an unseren Standorten Zürich, St.Gallen, Rolle und Lugano.

Weitere Beispiele von Business Illustrationen


Design eines Logos in Form eines Wappens für die Immobilienfirma Beverly Hills Property Developers.

Weitere Logo und Character Designs.


Ein Forschungsteam der Universität Zürich wollte eine Tasse mit einem Comic herstellen lassen und hat mich als Zeichner angefragt ob folgendes möglich ist: Diverse Teammitglieder sollten darauf als Karikaturen vorkommen. Der fertige Comic / Cartoon wurde anhand von Fotos der einzelnen Forscher gezeichnet und das Team war begeistert.

(Vektorillustration in Adobe Illustrator auf Porzellan gedruckt).

Weitere Cartoons und Karikaturen


Für eine Reihe von Trainingsvideos für die U.S Regierung welche durch die Firma Coley Solutions produziert werden, gestalte ich aktuell alle Figuren, Character Designs und Illustrationen.

Die Herausforderung dieses recht umfangreichen und langfristigen Projektes hat mich stark interessiert und ich und der Kunde sind mit den Endresultaten sehr zufrieden.

Ich habe Erfahrung in der Produktion von Whiteboard Scribing Explainer Videos.
Von der Idee, über das Storyboard, Figurengestaltung, Illustration, über die Tonproduktion mit männlichen und weiblichen Sprechern in diversen Sprachen bis hin zur HD Video Produktion mit hervorragenden Video Studios, kann ich gerne für Sie von A bis Z solche Videos produzieren.
Diverse Beispiele finden Sie auf meiner home page.Scribing Videos by Marsden

Die ersten T-Shirt Designs welche ich für den Amerikanischen Ringer Johnny Mundo AKA John Morrison zeichnen durfte sind nun erhältlich.
Es hat sehr viel Spass gemacht für Johnny diese Illustrationen anzufertigen. Weitere Motive sind momentan in Bearbeitung.


Auch diesen Sommer habe ich für das Fest-Komitee in “meinem” kleinen Südfranzösichen Dorf wieder das Logo für das Dorffest gestaltet, welches auf T-shirts, Bandanas und Tassen gedruckt wird.

Weitere Logo Designs 

Ich hoffe der eine oder andere Beitrag in meinem kleinen Newsletter hat Sie interessiert. Wenn Sie mit mir über eines Ihrer Projekte sprechen möchten, können Sie mich direkt unter +33 6 42 49 82 11 oder per Mail erreichen.

Ich wünsche Ihnen einen wunderschönen Sommer.





Ich heisse Ian David Marsden und bin ein erfahrener freischaffender Illustrator, Designer und Animator 

Ich bin für neue Projekte verfügbar.

Mein Portfolio und eine kurze Biografie, Kundenliste und Referenzen finden Sie auf meiner Homepage

Marsden Illustration

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News from Illustrator Ian Marsden – Summer 2015


Greetings from my illustration studio,

I would like to give you a short update on the fun and exciting projects of the last few months.


A big thank you and welcome to new clients:¦

Zum Goldenen Hirschen
Advertising agency
(Munich, Hamburg and Berlin – Germany)
Rock Brasiliano
Communications and Corporate Creativity
Coley Solutions
Smarter Performance Solutions 
We Develop Award Winning Training & Performance Solutions that Empower your Workforce.

I created a series of illustrations for sanitary cleaning products for HENKEL.
The artwork needed to be visually self-explanatory without words or language.

This project was a collaboration with Rock Brasiliano
through German Illustration Agency, Die Kleinert

More illustration samples


Design of a crest and logo for a Los Angeles based property developer, Beverly Hills Property Developers.

More Logo and Character Designs.


The University of Zurich required an illustration to be printed on coffee mugs for a research team, with recognizable caricatures of the team members based on photographs.

More Cartoons and Caricatures


I have the great pleasure of creating illustrations for a series of whiteboard scribing explainer videos for the U.S. Government written and produced by Coley Solutions.

This is a long-term, ongoing project to create a library of training videos and I am delighted to be part of this collaboration.

I am very experienced in the production of Whiteboard Scribing videos.
I can produce such videos for you from A to Z in various languages. Examples of my video productions can be found on my home page.

Scribing Videos by Marsden


The T-shirts I designed for the well known U.S. pro wrestler Johnny Mundo AKA John Morrison are now available for purchase.

These designs were a lot of fun to create and I am currently working on new T-shirt designs for Johnny.


Locally, as every summer, I designed the logo and t-shirt design for the Comité des Fetes in my southern French village.

More Logo Designs 

I hope you enjoyed this little update and if you would like to talk to me about any of your projects please call me at + 33 6 42 49 82 11 or e-mail me at 

Wishing you a wonderful summer,





I am an independent illustrator and designer and I also produce animation and whiteboard or animatic videos.

I am available for new projects.

My full portfolio and a short bio, client list and testimonials
can be viewed on my homepage Marsden Illustration

My artist page on Facebook



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Professional Independent Illustrator, Designer, Animator, and Cartoonist

Greetings! My name is Ian Marsden and I am a professional independent freelance illustrator, designer, animator, and cartoonist with over 20 years of experience. I have worked in various styles and specialize in creating vector digital art, advertising illustrations, graphics for businesses and educational purposes, character design, logo design, mascot design, as well as caricatures and cartoons.

To give you an idea of my capabilities, I have enclosed a poster showcasing a small selection of my work. You can also find more samples of my art and my latest projects on my website at

My portfolio is divided into several categories, including advertising and marketing, editorial, character design, mascot design, and more. Whatever your needs may be, I am confident that I can provide you with the professional and high-quality illustrations and designs that you require.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

#illustrator #designer #cartoonist #freelance #vectorart #advertisingillustration #businessgraphics #educationalgraphics #characterdesign #logodesign #mascotdesign #caricature #cartoons #portfolio #artwork #independentartist #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #marsdenillustration

My illustration portfolio is divided into several categories:


I also specialize in producing and illustrating Whiteboard Scribing Explainer Videos. Here is a YouTube channel with some samples.

Please call me at +33 6 42 49 82 11 or e-mail me for a free estimate and to discuss your project.

This is where you can find my LinkedIn Profile:

I look forward to hearing from you,
Ian David Marsden

Independent illustrator and cartoonist Ian Marsden
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Book Cover Design: The Art of the Personal Statement by Alex Thaler

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch

Cover Design: The Art of the Personal Statement by Alex Thaler

Cover Illustration by Ian David Marsden

Ian Marsden is an experienced illustrator who has worked with business and corporate clients on various projects.
Please visit the Portfolio for further work samples.



Book Cover Digital vector illustration in Adobe Illustrator CS5.


Digital vector illustration in Adobe Illustrator CS5 by illustrator Ian David Marsden.

Alex Thaler: Founder and CEO of, Founder and Managing Member of, Author of “The Art of the Personal Statement.”, Over ten years of experience in test prep/admissions consulting. See:

Order The Art of the Personal Statement directly on Amazon here:


All artwork © Copyright 2014 by Ian David Marsden
More information about Ian, a brief biography, some testimonials and a client list can be found HERE.

Contact Ian Marsden for a free quote for your project: E-mail

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch


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Marsden Illustration