Book Illustration

Quality Art, Custom Budgets: Let’s Make Magic Together!

Affordable, flexible pricing for creative services. Ian Marsden, freelance Illustration, animation, and explainer videos to fit your budget. High-quality, transparent solutions.

I want to address a topic that might be important to both of us: making high-quality illustrations and animations accessible, regardless of your budget.

Often, the first question in discussing a new project is, “How much would this cost?”

My answer is straightforward and tailored to you:
The cost is based on what you have budgeted for your project.

It’s really THAT simple.

Your interest in my work is incredibly encouraging time and again. Having illustrated for clients like Google, Mercedes, Lindt, etc., and having contributed to projects like the design of the official mascot for the Ski World Championships in St. Moritz, I understand there might be concerns about the affordability of my services. I want to address this directly.

When asked, “How much would this cost?” I prefer not to make a project estimate that may not fit into your planned budget, thus rendering further discussion unnecessary.

Instead, I prefer to turn the question around. I ask: What is needed? When is it needed? What is the budget?

If the project aligns with practical considerations and I am available, let’s get started!

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Drawn by Human Hand – Created by Natural Intelligence

Is the technological singularity just around the corner?

This is not an anti-AI post. It’s remarkable to see how far artificial intelligence (AI) has come, to the point where it can now compete with human abilities. I stare in marvel (and horror) at the current generation of AI generated images.

made by human hand - made with natural intelligence - illustrated logo - free to use, royalty free,

Maybe the above logo will become the art equivalent of the BIO labels at grocery stores

I am not someone who shies away from new tools or techniques, nor am I a technophobe. As someone who has been an avid fan and user of computers since childhood, I have experienced the evolution of technology firsthand. It always seemed inevitable that this day would arrive at some point, I think what is most surprising is how rapidly it is suddenly advancing. It is difficult for us to understand, because the human brain is not wired for exponential growth. We simply can not understand and imagine it.

Made by human hand and natural intelligence...
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MARVIN is 1st Place Winner in the Graphic Novel category of the 2020 Purple Dragonfly Awards

I am thrilled to announce that my book MARVIN about the life of Broadway and Hollywood composer Marvin Hamlisch has won 1st Place in the Graphic Novel Category of the 2020 Purple Dragonfly Awards.

MARVIN is the first graphic novel by illustrator and cartoonist Ian David Marsden.

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Volkswagen Sedric Concept Illustrations

Artist: Ian David Marsden

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Artist Instagram and TikTok with lots of sketches, doodles and live drawings

It’s been a while since I updated my news blog. Things have been rather quiet on the project front due to the pandemic (like for many), so I don’t have a lot of new client work to show you, but I thought I would say a quick hello.

I recently started a TikTok channel, where I mostly post recordings of live drawings (digital and analog). So if you are on there and enjoy drawings, drop by and have a look.

I only have 120 followers here so far, so you can become a member of a highly exlusive club. 😀

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I received my first proof copy of my new graphic novel “Marvin”

I am very excited. I have just received my first proof copy of my new graphic novel “Marvin” from my publisher Schiffer Books.

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Ian Marsden illustrator Instagram

Follow me and my sketches, adventures and travels on Instagram 😊

Instagram Marsdenillustration

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Illustration: Neue Rebsorten, Neue Wein-Zukunft

Illustration von Ian David Marsden
Schweizer LandLiebe Magazin

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Illustration: NZZ am Sonntag / Autofahrer Unerwünscht

Illustration: NZZ am Sonntag
Hintergrund / Autofahrer Unerwünscht
Artist: Ian David Marsden

Illustration zum Artikel von Daniel Meier zum Thema gleichgeschaltete Gemeinschaften in der NZZ am Sonntag vom 30 Mai 2017 gezeichnet von Ian Marsden

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NZZ am Sonntag / Hintergrund Bildung “Die Unbeugsamen”

NZZ am Sonntag / Hintergrund Bildung “Die Unbeugsamen”

Illustration by Ian David Marsden


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Wednesday, April 12, 2017


It was on December 2nd, 1998 (almost 20 years ago!) that I started my first website “”.

It evolved over many iterations, and later for several years it also hosted the Marsdencartoons Cartoonist’s Directory which was a popular resource to find links to illustrators and cartoonists all over the world.

Since I don’t only draw cartoons but also create more “serious” illustrations and logos and character designs for various clients all over the world, I decided in 2014 to create my new homepage MARSDEN ILLUSTRATION, which you see before you and which embodies all the various facets of my work in my PORTFOLIO

Such as my personal sketchbook, the first Google Doodles which were created by me, Advertising and Business Illustration, Custom Whiteboard Videos and Explainer Videos design and production, Editorial Illustration, Comics, Logos, Character Design and Mascot Design, Ritzenhoff Designs, Children’s Book Illustration, Wacom Tutorial Videos by Ian Marsden, Packaging Design and some of the album covers I created for La Toya Jackson and Ja-Tail Enterprises LLC.

For a few years it autoforwarded to my new domain, but a few months ago I let the old domain name expire. A fresh new start.

It appears that another company has purchased the domain name and is now putting up a website for Illustration and Graphics.
This is of course perfectly fine and quite normal I guess by Internet standards, although it would be interesting to know who the “Marsden” is who is featured in their domain name. Because one thing I can tell you is that it is NOT me.

For the record, I wanted to state categorically: that I, Ian David Marsden, am no longer the owner of the domain, I am in no way involved in their enterprise, and am not affiliated anymore in any way with Any transactions with this domain will not include any involvement with me and you will not be purchasing artwork created by me.

If you wish to contact me (Ian David Marsden) regarding graphic design, illustrations or cartoons, then the only official website is this one:

My official and verified Facebook

My official YouTube Channel

My official Instagram

Thank you for your continued interest in my artwork and more from my studio very soon.

All the best,


PS: If you haven’t signed up yet for my personal newsletter, now is a good time because I am preparing the next one. (I send them out about 4 or 5 times a year with news and behind the scenes looks at some of the artwork I am currently working on)

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New artwork in my sketchbook gallery

New artwork in my sketchbook gallery

Old School Cartoon Original - Dip Pen and India Ink, Ecoline Watercolors


I just uploaded a selection of recent sketches and pen and ink artwork to my sketchbook gallery.
I hope you enjoy them. These are all created with pen and ink, ballpoint pen, pencils and other traditional methods. I do sometimes scan them and color them in photoshop, but most of these are also colored with watercolor, ecoline and aquarelle / goache.

These are all just fun, free drawings that I like to do sometimes to relax and clear my mind. These were not commissioned. Often I don’t even know what it will be when I start drawing.
I guess since I am working in digital art programs with my Wacom Cintiq most of the time, these little exercises also s to show myself that I still know how to do it “old-school”. 😊

Please don’t forget that I also have an Instagram channel which I update almost daily with new doodles, sketches and drawing videos.

Ian David Marsden's Sketchbook

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Illustration Newsletter July 2016 Ian David Marsden


Hello dear visitors to my blog,

What I love most of all about my profession as an illustrator and designer, is that I get to be creative in all kinds of different areas and I never really know what’s coming next.

Below, I have put together a selection of some of the fun projects I have recently worked on. I hope you enjoy it.

Before we get started let me wish you a wonderful summer, and just in case you are working during the summer months, it might comfort you to know that you are not alone. I will be doing the same.

I am not going away this year and can be reached in my studio both in July and August and can assist you with any illustration needs that may arise. 

All the very best and here now my latest news…


PS: My portfolio has been completely updated with brand new work, so if you haven’t visited my homepage in a while, please have a look.

Categories are: My Sketchbook | Google Doodles | Advertising and Business Illustration | Editorial Illustration | Comics and Cartoons | RITZENHOFF | Children’s Book Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Packaging Designs 

So, what HAVE I been up to in the past months? Well…

I got to be WILD!…

Tribal style vector animals for poster art.

I got to be STRONG!…

Two new Coffee Love Cappuccino Cups with saucers have been added to my RITZENHOFF Design Collection.

For Hermes Paketversand

For Stadtwerke Wedel

I got to be SILLY…

I added a gallery of my personal sketches and doodles to my homepage.

Ian’s personal sketchbooks and moleskines

I got to be “FAMOUS!” 😎…

I started my own Instagram feed with snapshots, sketches and doodles.

It’s been up for only a few months and I am delighted that I already have over 2200 wonderful people who are interested enough in my tomfoolery, to follow my feed.

If you are also an instagrammer, come on over and join the fun.


My lovely wife Sheryl Marsden has founded a shop called Love French Linen featuring gorgeous linen items from the south of France (where we live).

What could be more appropriate than to use her very own in-house creative department for her photography and logo needs?

Even our dog “Watson” now features prominently in several images as the Love French Linen dog. Undoubtedly he will start his very own newsletter soon, when his modelling career takes off. 😊

Sheryl did a wonderful job and put a lot of thought and care into her linen collection. Please have a look and forward to your friends who might be interested in French linens for bedroom, dining roombathroom and kitchen.

I hope you enjoyed some of the updates and I thank you for your interest.

Please visit my illustration portfolio:
My Sketchbook | Google Doodles | Advertising and Business Illustration | Editorial Illustration | Comics and Cartoons | RITZENHOFF | Children’s Book Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Packaging Designs 


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Marsden Illustration