Blog Archives

Creating the Artwork for the Mercedes-Benz Employee Manual

Today, I want to take you on a journey that holds a special place in my heart—the creation of the illustrated Mercedes-Benz Employee Manual, affectionately known as the “Mitarbeiterknigge”. *

Back in 2010, as an experienced illustrator, character designer and concept creator, I had the pleasure of collaborating with esteemed advertising agency Sieber & Wolf on this fascinating project. Join me as I walk you through the process of bringing this comprehensive manual to life, highlighting the importance of effective visual communication within the context of a luxury brand like Mercedes-Benz.

When Sieber & Wolf approached me with the opportunity to work on the “Mitarbeiterknigge”, I knew it was a project that demanded precision, creativity, and dedication to excellence. The manual aimed to train Mercedes-Benz staff who interacted with customers, covering topics such as maintaining contact, politeness, and proper behavior in various situations like vehicle purchase, repairs, sales, events, lunches, dinners, and business correspondence. It was crucial that the illustrations reflected Mercedes-Benz’s high standards, precision, and commitment to quality.

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Concept Art for Lindt Chocolate

In this gallery I would like to show some concept illustrations created in 2015 for Lindt Chocolate.

Lindt Gold Bunny / Goldhase
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Cartoon Nebelspalter – Wenn Bastien Girod zweimal klingelt

Illustrator und Cartoonist Ian David Marsden – Illustrations Blog

Ich freue mich sehr, hier meine jüngste Illustration im Nebelspalter Nummer 4/2023 mit euch teilen zu können.

Der Cartoon ist als “Tor des Monats” in Begleitung zu einem Text von Ralph Weibel entstanden, und bildet eines der neuesten Abenteuer des Schweizer grünen Politikers Bastien Girod ab.
“Cartoon Nebelspalter – Wenn Bastien Girod zweimal klingelt”

Die Szene ist in einer luxuriösen Wohnung angesiedelt, wo eine schnelldenkende Dame ihre Haustiere kurzerhand in Menschenkleidung in Szene gesetzt hat, um es so aussehen zu lassen, als ob sie viele Mitbewohner hätte. Girod, als Karikatur hoffentlich erkennbar, macht gerade einen Überraschungsbesuch, um seinen Vorschlag zur Umsiedlung von alleinstehenden Menschen, die in großen Wohnflächen leben, zu diskutieren. Wie Sie sich vorstellen können, wird die “viele Bewohner”-Illusion bei Girod nicht unbedingt ankommen.

Link: Gallerie mit vielen weiteren Cartoons

Link zum Artikel: Printausgabe Nebelspalter

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Erklärvideo Schweiz – Part 2 LAP Learning Video

Part 2 in a series of fun and inviting presentation videos for Learning Nuggets for the Swiss Lehrabschlussprüfung (LAP) Vorbereitung training course. Success and a good grade for the LAP test are ensured.

Next Generation Learning: Hand-Drawn Explainer Video

See Part 1 here:

Next-Generation Learning and #BYOD (bring your own devices) prepares you for all phases of this important milestone for your career in Switzerland.

Evolving drawings, llustrations and caricatures invite you to find out more about this outstanding training program in a series of short explainer videos illustrated by Ian David Marsden – .

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How to Effectively Use Mascots and Comic Art to Convey Your Message – Marsden Illustration

Mascots and comic art are powerful marketing tools that businesses of all sizes and types can use to effectively communicate their message to audiences of all ages and completely transcend language barriers.

The Power of Comic Strips

Comic strips can communicate concepts and ideas to audiences of all ages and completely transcend languages. They can be used to give friendly reminders, offer tips, and provide educational material. For example, Coca-Cola assigned me to create wordless comic strips to remind people to recycle cans which were printed directly on the cans. These strips can also be used for internal purposes such as employee training and skill development, corporate training and executive briefings, or to enhance presentations and PowerPoint slides. They are also a wonderful media for e-learning or educational material.

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Nebelspalter Caricature – Appenzell not happy

Cartoon / Caricature Illustration for Nebelspalter Magazine 02/2023 – Tor des Monats.
Apparently Swiss Bundesrat Elisabeth Baume-Schneider said a few things that made the inhabitants of the Appenzell regions somewhat upset.

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider VS Appenzell: Satirical Caricature for Nebelspalter
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Toro Piscine Vachettes – illustrations stock sous license

Vous organisez un événement Toro Piscine avec votre comité des fêtes ou votre organisation de village ?

Vous souhaitez des illustrations amusantes que vous pourrez ajouter à vos affiches, flyers, autocollants, bannières et autres publicités ?

Je reçois très fréquemment de telles demandes. C’est pourquoi j’ai préparé pour vous une série d’images de cette nature.

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Next Generation Learning Presentation Video

A series of presentation videos for an excellent training course to assist students in completing and scoring high on their LAP test. Next-Generation Learning and #BYOD (bring your own devices) prepares you for all phases of this challenging test. A modern, step-by-step teaching approach covering every chapter of what you have learned over the years. The course gives you all the tools to ace the test.

Fun, light-hearted illustrations and caricatures lead you through the video and explain what you can look forward to in this training course.

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Videobotschaften für Kunden und Mitarbeitende

Ein besonderes und spannendes Angebot in der Schweiz mit meinen Partnern bei Blocklearning.

Für Ende des Jahres ein ganz spezielles Angebot zur Video Produktion bei Ihnen im Haus. Das Studio kommt zu euch und in ca. 2 Stunden wird noch am gleichen Tag ein individuelles Video mit original Content produziert. Eure Meilensteine von 2022 können von mir illustriert und animiert in die Videos eingebunden werden.

André von Blocklearning erklärt es am besten gleich selber, hier ist er aus dem Weihnachts-studio 🎄🎅🏻😊:

Wir kommen zu dir und produzieren individuelle Videobotschaften mit unserem mobilen 3D Filmstudio.

Das neue 2022 Studio-Design ist ebenfalls als Hintergrund verfügbar.

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Gianni Infantino – Tor des Monats

Gianni Infantino – Tor des Monats

Gianni Infantino – FIFA President – Tor des Monats, Nebelspalter

Karikatur von FIFA Präsident Gianni Infantino für den Nebelspalter “Tor des Monats”

Stell Dir vor, es ist Fussball-WM und keiner will hin.
In Qatar gibt es Gratis-Tickets und Glühwein zu Feuerwerkskerzen auf dem Adventskranz.
Zum Artikel “Infantino freut sich auf die infantilste WM” von Hans Abplanalp
Karikatur von Cartoonist Ian David Marsden für Nebelspalter Nr. 11 2022

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Dräger – Break the Chain of Infection

Comic drawing of a lady wondering what kind of stains are in her kitchen chocolate ketchup or others

A series of 4 videos and posters created for Dräger on the topic “Break the chain of infection”
The comic strips have no text so they are language independent and can be used internationally. The same goes for the video series.

The four different areas covered are: Infection prevention and control, increase Patient Safety,
Infection Prevention by Design and Improved Workflow

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Friars Club NYC – Animated Website Intro

Short intro animation created specifically for the Friars Club, New York City.

Several monk friar characters were created for animated GIFs and icons for the website
including Jackie Gleason playing pool and this little friar for the animation.

All artwork was created in Adobe Illustrator as vector art and then animated in Adobe Flash.

Client: Friars Club, Date: 2008, Artist: Ian David Marsden –

Caricatures of Friars Club Officials opening red curtain – Animated Cartoon GIF
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Marsden Illustration