Friars Club NYC – Animated Website Intro

Friars club New York City website animation

Short intro animation created specifically for the Friars Club, New York City.

Several monk friar characters were created for animated GIFs and icons for the website
including Jackie Gleason playing pool and this little friar for the animation.

All artwork was created in Adobe Illustrator as vector art and then animated in Adobe Flash.

Client: Friars Club, Date: 2008, Artist: Ian David Marsden –

Caricatures of Friars Club Officials opening red curtain – Animated Cartoon GIF

A collection of animated GIF cartoons I created for the Friars Club

Friars Club NYC - Animated Website Intro with cartoon friar

The barman friar shaking martinis – Animated Cartoon GIF

Friar juggling champagne bottles – Animated Cartoon GIF

The chef friar taking his lobsters walkies – Animated Cartoon GIF

Illustruous club member Jackie Gleason friar playing pool – Animated Cartoon GIF

Gallery of stills from the animated website intro video (2008)

Marsden Illustration