Blog Archives

Creating the Artwork for the Mercedes-Benz Employee Manual

Today, I want to take you on a journey that holds a special place in my heart—the creation of the illustrated Mercedes-Benz Employee Manual, affectionately known as the “Mitarbeiterknigge”. *

Back in 2010, as an experienced illustrator, character designer and concept creator, I had the pleasure of collaborating with esteemed advertising agency Sieber & Wolf on this fascinating project. Join me as I walk you through the process of bringing this comprehensive manual to life, highlighting the importance of effective visual communication within the context of a luxury brand like Mercedes-Benz.

When Sieber & Wolf approached me with the opportunity to work on the “Mitarbeiterknigge”, I knew it was a project that demanded precision, creativity, and dedication to excellence. The manual aimed to train Mercedes-Benz staff who interacted with customers, covering topics such as maintaining contact, politeness, and proper behavior in various situations like vehicle purchase, repairs, sales, events, lunches, dinners, and business correspondence. It was crucial that the illustrations reflected Mercedes-Benz’s high standards, precision, and commitment to quality.

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Je Parle Anglais. Je Suis Français. Je Peux Aider

Rendez Paris Encore Plus Accueillant: Soutenez les Touristes Anglophones Pendant les Jeux Olympiques !

Bonjour chers amis parisiens ! Alors que Paris se prépare à accueillir les Jeux Olympiques, voici une initiative joyeuse pour aider les visiteurs à se sentir chez eux. Pas seulement à Paris, et pas seulement pendant les Jeux Olympiques de 2024. Cette initiative s’adresse aussi à toutes les villes et villages français, même après les Jeux Olympiques.

I am French. I speak English. I can help.
“Je Parle Anglais. Je Suis Français. Je Peux Aider”

Cette campagne “Je Parle Anglais. Je Suis Français. Je Peux Aider”, une idée originale d’Anne Weber, fondatrice du cabinet IN TALENT WE TRUST et de Facteur Humain Le Blog, ( ) , est parfaite pour les Jeux Olympiques, mais peut aussi être utilisée dans n’importe quelle ville ou village français, à tout moment, si vous souhaitez être ouverts et accueillants envers les visiteurs anglophones.

Pour vous associer, un superbe visuel illustré vectoriel, créé par le dessinateur et illustrateur Ian David Marsden, est mis à disposition. Parfait pour imprimer des badges, des t-shirts, des autocollants ou pour décorer vos vitrines, ce visuel vous permettra de montrer fièrement que vous parlez anglais et êtes prêt à aider. En affichant ce badge, vous faites savoir aux touristes qu’ils peuvent compter sur vous pour rendre leur séjour plus agréable et sans souci. Ce visuel est libre de droits et peut être utilisé gratuitement, à condition de respecter les spécificités indiquées dans l’avertissement légal ci-dessous.*

[Téléchargez le Visuel Illustré Vectoriel Ici]

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“Gezeichnet 2023” in Bern: Schweizer Pressezeichnungen im Jahresrückblick

I’m delighted to announce my return to the renowned “Gezeichnet” exhibition in Bern, Switzerland. After several years, I am participating again, this time with five of my press drawings from the past year, showcasing my work as an editorial illustrator and cartoonist for the Nebelspalter satirical magazine.

The exhibition’s Vernissage, a key highlight, is scheduled for tomorrow evening, December 14th. It will commence at the Yehudi Menuhin Forum with an engaging Vernissage Talk, followed by an exhibition viewing and apéro at the Bern Museum for Communication.

This occasion presents a rare opportunity to personally meet many of the participating Swiss press cartoonists. The evening will also feature a live discussion hosted by Arena moderator Sandro Brotz, joined by two prominent politicians for a mix of political and humorous reflections on the year. Additionally, caricaturists Caroline Rutz and Carlo Schneider will offer live satirical commentary.

Exhibition Details:
“Gezeichnet 2023”
Bern Museum for Communication
Duration: December 15, 2023, to February 25, 2024
Location: Helvetiastrasse 16, 3000 Bern 6
Contact: T 031 357 55 55

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Concept Art for Lindt Chocolate

In this gallery I would like to show some concept illustrations created in 2015 for Lindt Chocolate.

Lindt Gold Bunny / Goldhase
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Animiertes und illustriertes Video für Zürich Gym

Als Illustrator, Cartoonist und Produzent von Erklär- und Promotionsvideos hatte ich die Freude und Ehre, ein einzigartiges Hand-gezeichnetes Erklärvideo für das Zürich Gym zu erstellen. Das Fitnessstudio wird von Inhaber und Europameister Frank Müller geleitet, der nicht nur ein erfahrener Personal Trainer, sondern auch ein Experte für Sporternährung ist. Er ist auch ein alter und guter persönlicher Freund von mir, so hat es Spass gemacht ihn in meinem Video mit mehreren handgezeichneten Porträts zu verewigen.

Trainiere im Zuerich Gym – 24/7 Fitness mit Europameister Frank Müller

Das Zürich Gym – Hurt Locker – 24 Stunden geöffnet – ist ein erstklassiges Fitnessstudio, welches seinen Kunden ein volles Topp-Programm bietet. Dank der neuesten Fingerprint-Sicherheitstechnologie können Kunden jederzeit das Studio betreten und ihre Trainingseinheiten beginnen.

Das Ziel des Erklär- und Promotionsvideos war es, in spielerischer Weise auf die Vorteile des ZürichGym aufmerksam zu machen und potenzielle Kunden anzusprechen.

Animiertes und illustriertes Video für Zürich Gym

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Homage to Aline Kominsky-Crumb

Homage to Aline Kominsky-Crumb

1st May to 21st November 2023
Galerie Vidourle Prix, Sauve (30)
4 rue des bourgades
+33 (0) 4 66 88 76 33

I’m honored to be participating in an exhibition in homage to Aline Kominsky-Crumb (1948 – 2022) at Galerie Vidourle Prix in Sauve. The noted underground and feminist comic artist and wife of Robert Crumb, who sadly passed away after a brief illness in 2022. The exhibition will feature a retrospective of her art, as well as new and unseen artwork by over 20 artists, including myself and also Robert Crumb and their daughter Sophie Crumb. The exhibition runs from May 1st until November 21st.

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Erklärvideo Schweiz – Part 2 LAP Learning Video

Part 2 in a series of fun and inviting presentation videos for Learning Nuggets for the Swiss Lehrabschlussprüfung (LAP) Vorbereitung training course. Success and a good grade for the LAP test are ensured.

Next Generation Learning: Hand-Drawn Explainer Video

See Part 1 here:

Next-Generation Learning and #BYOD (bring your own devices) prepares you for all phases of this important milestone for your career in Switzerland.

Evolving drawings, llustrations and caricatures invite you to find out more about this outstanding training program in a series of short explainer videos illustrated by Ian David Marsden – .

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Nebelspalter Caricature – Appenzell not happy

Cartoon / Caricature Illustration for Nebelspalter Magazine 02/2023 – Tor des Monats.
Apparently Swiss Bundesrat Elisabeth Baume-Schneider said a few things that made the inhabitants of the Appenzell regions somewhat upset.

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider VS Appenzell: Satirical Caricature for Nebelspalter
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Next Generation Learning Presentation Video

A series of presentation videos for an excellent training course to assist students in completing and scoring high on their LAP test. Next-Generation Learning and #BYOD (bring your own devices) prepares you for all phases of this challenging test. A modern, step-by-step teaching approach covering every chapter of what you have learned over the years. The course gives you all the tools to ace the test.

Fun, light-hearted illustrations and caricatures lead you through the video and explain what you can look forward to in this training course.

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Marsden Illustration