Vector Art

Illustration Newsletter July 2016 Ian David Marsden


Hello dear visitors to my blog,

What I love most of all about my profession as an illustrator and designer, is that I get to be creative in all kinds of different areas and I never really know what’s coming next.

Below, I have put together a selection of some of the fun projects I have recently worked on. I hope you enjoy it.

Before we get started let me wish you a wonderful summer, and just in case you are working during the summer months, it might comfort you to know that you are not alone. I will be doing the same.

I am not going away this year and can be reached in my studio both in July and August and can assist you with any illustration needs that may arise. 

All the very best and here now my latest news…


PS: My portfolio has been completely updated with brand new work, so if you haven’t visited my homepage in a while, please have a look.

Categories are: My Sketchbook | Google Doodles | Advertising and Business Illustration | Editorial Illustration | Comics and Cartoons | RITZENHOFF | Children’s Book Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Packaging Designs 

So, what HAVE I been up to in the past months? Well…

I got to be WILD!…

Tribal style vector animals for poster art.

I got to be STRONG!…

Two new Coffee Love Cappuccino Cups with saucers have been added to my RITZENHOFF Design Collection.

For Hermes Paketversand

For Stadtwerke Wedel

I got to be SILLY…

I added a gallery of my personal sketches and doodles to my homepage.

Ian’s personal sketchbooks and moleskines

I got to be “FAMOUS!” 😎…

I started my own Instagram feed with snapshots, sketches and doodles.

It’s been up for only a few months and I am delighted that I already have over 2200 wonderful people who are interested enough in my tomfoolery, to follow my feed.

If you are also an instagrammer, come on over and join the fun.


My lovely wife Sheryl Marsden has founded a shop called Love French Linen featuring gorgeous linen items from the south of France (where we live).

What could be more appropriate than to use her very own in-house creative department for her photography and logo needs?

Even our dog “Watson” now features prominently in several images as the Love French Linen dog. Undoubtedly he will start his very own newsletter soon, when his modelling career takes off. 😊

Sheryl did a wonderful job and put a lot of thought and care into her linen collection. Please have a look and forward to your friends who might be interested in French linens for bedroom, dining roombathroom and kitchen.

I hope you enjoyed some of the updates and I thank you for your interest.

Please visit my illustration portfolio:
My Sketchbook | Google Doodles | Advertising and Business Illustration | Editorial Illustration | Comics and Cartoons | RITZENHOFF | Children’s Book Illustration | Logo and Character Design | Packaging Designs 


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Aktuelle News von Illustrator und Cartoonisten Ian David Marsden

Sehr geehrte(r) Besucher(in) meines Blogs, 2016 hat bei mir auf eine sehr aktive, positive und dynamische Weise begonnen.
Veröffentlichungen / Verlage Eine für mich persönlich ganz tolle Neuigkeit ist dass mein Graphic Novel Projekt, an dem ich seit einigen Monaten zeichne, nun angenommen worden ist und seit letzter Woche von einer renommierten New Yorker Literaragentur vertreten wird. Ich freue mich schon darauf, mehr über das Projekt verraten zu können. Im Moment muss ich es bei diesem kleinen Teaser belassen.
Objekt Design / Lizenzen Die Firma RITZENHOFF wird der Öffentlichkeit an der Ambiente Messe in Frankfurt (12.2. – 16.2. 2016) zwei neue Designobjekte von mir vorstellen. Es handelt sich um zwei Cappuccino Tassen & Untertassen, welche ich hier leider noch nicht zeigen darf – eben, wegen Weltpremiere oben. 🍾😉 Die Cappuccino Sets werden ab Mai 2016 international im Handel und auch im Ritzenhoff Online Shop erhältlich sein. LINK ZU WEITEREN MARSDEN DESIGNS
Neue Projekte Es kommt regelmässig vor, dass ich als Designer und Illustrator an Projekten arbeite, wo ich vertraglich zu höchster Diskretion verpflichtet bin. Dies bedeutet, dass ich oft die fertigen Arbeiten ohne Freigabe nicht in meinem Portfolio oder Blog / Newsletter vorzeigen darf und selbst über die Produktion selber schweigen muss. Ich möchte mich aber an dieser Stelle ganz generell bedanken, dass ich über die letzten Monate für diese tollen neuen Kunden kreativ sein durfte. Grosses Dankeschön an alle Beteiligten Teams. 
Logo Design Mensa, der weltweite Verein für hochbegabte Menschen (High IQ Society) hat für 2017 Nizza in Frankreich als Gastgeber für ihr International Board of Director’s meeting (IBD) erkoren. Aus einer Auswahl von Designlösungen wurde mein Design als offizielles Logo und Corporate Identity für den Event gewählt. (Logo Horizontal / Landscape hier abgebildet.)
Design des neuen Logo für WO Magnetische Wasserentkalkung-Systeme (Frankreich)
Sympathiefiguren / Character Design Eine Abteilung der Universität Bern hat mich schon vor einiger Zeit damit beauftragt eine Serie von Bären-Figuren zu entwickeln, mit Schwerpunkt dass sie auch Kinder ansprechen sollen. Im Januar durfte ich die kleine Bärenfamilie um ein neues Mitglied erweitern.
Eine weitere Figurenwicklung welche sehr Spass gemacht hat, war die Modernisierung des existierenden “Pfiffikus” für die “Si“ das Fachmagazin für SHK-Unternehmer. Ich durfte bereits schon diverse Posen und Varianten zeichnen. Diese werden jeweils als 100% Vektor Dateien in Adobe Illustrator gestaltet, welche ohne Pixel Auflösung rauf und runterskaliert werden können.
Etiketten / Verpackung Ich arbeite aktuell an einer Serie Etiketten Designs für hochwertige Französische Olivenöle und Essige. Hier ein Schulterblick auf eine nicht verwendeten Skizze.
Freie Arbeiten In meiner Freizeit und wenn ich mal in einer Projektphase eine kleine Pause einlege (Ja, auch ich mache Pausen. 😀) entspanne ich mich gerne mit kleinen Spielereien (Kritzeleien?) in meinen Skizzenbüchern, oder auf losen Blättern die in meinem Atelier herumliegen oder auch auf Tischtüchern oder Servietten… egal. Einige dieser Doodles schaffen es dann auch auf meine Facebook Seite oder meine anderen Social Media (ein weiterer Zeitvertreib). Falls Sie mich dort besuchen möchten, finden Sie die Links am Ende dieses Mails.
Hier packe ich gerade ein persönliches Projekt aus, welches frisch vom Drucker geliefert wurde. Eine moderne Interpretation eines Mond-Symbols, auf Leinwand (80cm x 60cm) gedruckt.
Druck / Print Im Januar habe ich meine Belegexemplare der Digades Dfreeeze App Broschüre mit meinem mehrseitigen Comic erhalten. Ich bin mit dem Resultat sehr zufrieden. Dfreeeze ist übrigens eine tolle Sache. Eine Fernsteuerung der Auto-Standheizung per App. Sie können sich die Broschüre hier ansehen: LINK
Für meinen sehr guten Kunden Sanafort durfte ich diverse Print Assets wie Preislisten und Konditionen gestalten. Dies beinhaltete auch Bildkorrekturen und Retuschen in Photoshop sowie Grafik, Designelemente und kleine Spotillustrationen.
Video / YouTube Im neuesten Video auf meinem YouTube Kanal kann man mir folgen, wie ich das kleine Vögelchen im Header dieses Newsletter zeichne. Ich hoffe das Video macht Ihnen Spass. LINK
Ich hoffe das eine oder andere Update hat Sie interessiert. Ich bedanke mich herzlich für Ihr Interesse. Mehr zu meiner Person und meinen Zeichnungen und Designs gibt es auf meiner Homepage:

Sie können mich jederzeit direkt erreichen: +33 6 42 49 82 11

Möchten Sie gerne über meine neuesten Illustrationen und Projekte informiert werden? Ich versende zirka viermal im Jahr eine E-mail mit Neuigkeiten und neuen Projekten. Hier können Sie meinen Newsletter abonnieren:

Newsletter abonnieren





Social Media Links oben können angeklickt werden. Sind wir eigentlich schon auf LinkedIn miteinander verbunden? Falls nicht, würde ich mich sehr freuen in den Kreis Ihrer Verbindungen aufgenommen zu werden.

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Nouvelles de Ian Marsden Illustrateur


Les quelques mois depuis ma dernière mise à  jour ont été très actives et intéressantes.Je l’ai eu le grand plaisir d’accueillir plusieurs nouveaux clients et de collaborer, déssiner et généralement être créatif sur des nombreux nouveaux projets amusants.

Voici quelques “highlights” de certains de mes récents productions.

EDITEURSJe souhaite bienvenu Richmond Publishing / Santillana comme nouveaux clients et j’ai eu la merveilleuse occasion de créer une séie d’illustrations pour des livres de matériel pédagogique.

CLIQUEZ ICI pour mon book complet.


Je suis très heureux de vous annoncer que je l’ai ajouté un 6ème objet portant la signature Marsden à la Collection Design pour le célèbre fabricant allemand de verrerie RITZENHOFF

Ma dernière création est une verre de bière avec un caractère Viking qui semble d’ètre tout à  fait prèt pour des nouvelles aventures (ou au moins pour une autre pinte rafraîchissante).


Un autre nouveau client que j’ai eu le plaisir d’accueillir est digades.

On m’a confié la tâche de créer une série d’illustrations pour des annonces de publicité imprimées / affiches montrant l’efficacité et la facilité d’utilisation de leur nouvelle application pour smartphone “dfreeeze”, avec lequel vous pouvez contrôler à distance votre chauffage de voiture à partir de votre téléphone ou tablette.

Je produisais aussi 2 vidéos Whiteboard pour le même client.

Il s’agit d’une nouvelle technologie visuelle qui s’appelle aussi: “Whiteboard Cartoon Animation” ou “Scribing” ou “Explainer Video“. Un moyen de video d’explication à la fois explicite et original.

Les 2 videos Whiteboard en anglais et en allemand pour le produit dfreeze utilisent les mêmes personnages et illustrations à maintenir de façon transparente le même langage visuel. (voir aussi ci-dessous)

LES VIDÉO “WHITEBOARD” Des vidés produites pour digades et leur application dfreeeze expliquent l’appli dfreeeze et comment il fonctionne d’une manière ludique et élégant.

Vidéo anglais:

Vidéo allemand:

En savoir plus sur des vidéos Whiteboard, bien sur aussi en FRANCAIS
envoyez moi SVP un mail:
ou appelez moi (Ian Marsden) en direct au: 06 42 49 82 11


Je me suis beaucoup amusé avec cette rècente mission pour, pour qui je fus invité à concevoir une série de cartes de voeux de GIF animés pour diffèrentes occasions comme l’Halloween, Noël et le Nouvel An.
(un compte utilisateur GMX est requis pour accèder aux cartes)

PROJETS PERSONNELSJ’ai finalement eu un peu de temps pour travailler suer les propres projets a moi meme et de créer et télécharger quelques nouveaux videos tutoriels sur pour mon canal YouTube personnelle.

Dans cette dernière série de vidéos je fais une demonstration comment je dessine avec le logiciel Adobe Illustrator sur mon écran à stylet Wacom Cintiq, qui est devenu un outil précieux pour moi.

Je démontre comment je crée des dessins en lignes vectorisés pour divers personnages de l’Halloween tels que Jack-O-Lantern, une Sorcière / Vampire Lady et un Loup-Garou.

Dans un autre vidéo je colore une illustration humoristique de style bande dessinée du père Noel – aussi un dessin en vectoriel.

Je parle en anglais malheureusement dans ces court métrages, mais c’est peut ètre quand meme intéressant pour ceux qui savent deja un peu comment fonctionne le logiciel Adobe Illustrator.

Pour venir à la fin de cette petite mise à jour, je me remercie beaucoup de votre intèret.Je suis un illustrateur indépendant, dessinateur et designer et je suis disponible pour de nouveaux projets.

Mon BOOK et une courte biographie, liste des clients et des témoignages peuvent ètre consultés sur ma page d’accueil ici:

J’ai aussi une page d’artiste sur Facebook comme Ian David Marsden
Merci a vous pour “LIKER” ma page.

Merci encore de votre intèrét de mon travail. Je l’apprécie vraiment.Cordialement,


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News from Illustrator Ian David Marsden


News and Updates from Illustrator Ian Marsden

The few months since my last update have been highly active and interesting.

I have had the pleasure of welcoming several new clients and collaborating, drawing and generally being creative on many fun new projects.

Here are a few brief highlights of what I have been up to.


I welcomed Richmond Publishing / Santillana as new clients and had the wonderful opportunity of creating a series of illustrations for educational materials.

CLICK HERE for my full portfolio.


I am very pleased to announce that I have added a 6th object bearing the Marsden signature to the Design Collection for renowned German glasswork manufacturer  RITZENHOFF 

My latest creation is a 50 cl Beer Glass featuring a little Viking Character who appears to be quite ready for action (or at least ready for another refreshing pint).


Another new client I had the pleasure of welcoming is digades.

I was entrusted with the task of creating a series of illustrations for print ads and posters showing the efficiency and ease of use of their new dfreeeze app, with which you can remote control your car heater from your smart phone.

I also produced 2 Whiteboard Scribing videos in English and in German for the dfreeze product using the same characters and illustrations. (see below)


English and German Language Whiteboard Scribing Explainer Video produced for digades and their dfreeeze app explain the dfreeeze app and how it works in a playful yet elegant way.

English Video:

German Video:

More about Whiteboard Explainer Videos:


I had a lot of fun with this recent assignment for, for which I was invited to design a series of animated GIF Greeting cards for various occasions such as Halloween, Christmas and the New Year.
(a GMX account is required to access the cards)


Last but not least I was able to complete some personal projects and I created and uploaded some new tutorial videos for my own personal YouTube channel.

In this latest series of videos I show how I draw on my Wacom Cintiq pen display, which has become an invaluable tool for me, in Adobe Illustrator software.

I demonstrate how I create vector line art for various Halloween characters such as a Jack-O-Lantern, a Witch/Vampire Lady and a Werewolf. In a separate video I also show how I color a cartoon illustration of Santa Claus

Well that about wraps up this little news update. Thank you for your interest.

My name is Ian Marsden and I am an independent illustrator, cartoonist, designer and animator and I am available for new projects.

My full portfolio and a short bio, client list and testimonials can be viewed on my homepage

More frequent updates about what I am currently working on can be seen on my Blog.

I also have an artist page on Facebook as Ian David Marsden
Of course I would be delighted if you LIKE my page.

Thank you very much for your interest in my work. I really appreciate it.

Best regards,


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Professional Independent Illustrator, Designer, Animator, and Cartoonist

Greetings! My name is Ian Marsden and I am a professional independent freelance illustrator, designer, animator, and cartoonist with over 20 years of experience. I have worked in various styles and specialize in creating vector digital art, advertising illustrations, graphics for businesses and educational purposes, character design, logo design, mascot design, as well as caricatures and cartoons.

To give you an idea of my capabilities, I have enclosed a poster showcasing a small selection of my work. You can also find more samples of my art and my latest projects on my website at

My portfolio is divided into several categories, including advertising and marketing, editorial, character design, mascot design, and more. Whatever your needs may be, I am confident that I can provide you with the professional and high-quality illustrations and designs that you require.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

#illustrator #designer #cartoonist #freelance #vectorart #advertisingillustration #businessgraphics #educationalgraphics #characterdesign #logodesign #mascotdesign #caricature #cartoons #portfolio #artwork #independentartist #digitalart #artistsoninstagram #marsdenillustration

My illustration portfolio is divided into several categories:


I also specialize in producing and illustrating Whiteboard Scribing Explainer Videos. Here is a YouTube channel with some samples.

Please call me at +33 6 42 49 82 11 or e-mail me for a free estimate and to discuss your project.

This is where you can find my LinkedIn Profile:

I look forward to hearing from you,
Ian David Marsden

Independent illustrator and cartoonist Ian Marsden
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Beer Glass Design for RITZENHOFF Design Collection

Beer Glass Design for RITZENHOFF Design Collection

Click here to see ALL of Ian Marsden’s Ritzenhoff Designs

I had the pleasure of designing a brand new beer glass for RITZENHOFF, featuring a Weizenbier (white beer) glass with a fun original viking character. As an artist and illustrator with over 20 years of experience, I was thrilled to work on this project and bring this unique glass design to life.


This high quality crystal RITZENHOFF Design Collection beer glass holds 500 ml and features a fun little viking character with a metallic gold helmet, sword and axe.

Left and right there is a floating, sparkling gold beer glass design.

The unique beer glass ships in a black Designer tube and includes 5 custom coasters to match the design with the designers signature on the back.

If you’re a fan of Weizenbier or vikings, this beer glass design is the perfect addition to your collection. It’s a unique and playful piece that will surely impress your friends and family.

This is the perfect gift for any chieftain or tribal leader (a family counts as a tribe, doesn’t it?)  who occasionally enjoys a chilled, frothy beverage.

#beerglassdesign #RITZENHOFF #vikingcharacter #Weizenbier #whitebeer #illustration #IanDavidMarsden

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Work Safety Illustrations for Seele

As an illustrator, designer, and character designer, I recently had the opportunity to create a series of work safety illustrations and an original character design for Seele, a leading provider of innovative glass, façade, and steel construction solutions. The aim of the project was to promote industrial safety and hazard prevention in the workplace.

For this project, I created a series of spot illustrations depicting various work safety situations, including how to do it and how NOT to do it. These illustrations were designed to be easily understood by workers and to encourage safe work practices. The illustrations covered a range of topics such as the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), proper lifting techniques, and safe use of machinery.

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The Toyes – Website Illustrations and animated music video

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch

The Toyes – Website Illustrations and animated music video for “Smoke 2 Joints” Character Design, Cartoon Illustrations of the Band Members, Illustrations and Flash Animation By Ian David Marsden It was a great pleasure for me to create illustrated cartoon versions of the band members of The Toyes as well as designing a whole bunch of other fun characters such as smoking and dancing trees and several aliens in their UFOs for the animated music video for the classic Toyes Song “Smoke 2 Joints”

Still Frame from the video "Smoke 2 Joints" by The Toyes

Still Frame from the video “Smoke 2 Joints” by The Toyes illustrated and animated by Ian David Marsden –


Watch scenes from the music video and how I work inside Adobe Flash software:

I also created a whole series of illustrations for the official website of The Toyes which were also really fun to create. There is an illustration or character for each of the song titles on their latest album. toyes-bandsite-marsden       toyes-website2-marsden Character Design, Cartoon Illustrations of the Band Members, Illustrations and Flash Animation By Ian David Marsden
Freelance Illustrator, Designer, Cartoonist and Animator

Artwork © Copyright 2014 by Ian David Marsden
More information about Ian, a brief biography, some testimonials and a client list can be found HERE.

Contact Ian Marsden for a free quote for your project: E-mail

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch


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Book Cover Design: The Art of the Personal Statement by Alex Thaler

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch

Cover Design: The Art of the Personal Statement by Alex Thaler

Cover Illustration by Ian David Marsden

Ian Marsden is an experienced illustrator who has worked with business and corporate clients on various projects.
Please visit the Portfolio for further work samples.



Book Cover Digital vector illustration in Adobe Illustrator CS5.


Digital vector illustration in Adobe Illustrator CS5 by illustrator Ian David Marsden.

Alex Thaler: Founder and CEO of, Founder and Managing Member of, Author of “The Art of the Personal Statement.”, Over ten years of experience in test prep/admissions consulting. See:

Order The Art of the Personal Statement directly on Amazon here:


All artwork © Copyright 2014 by Ian David Marsden
More information about Ian, a brief biography, some testimonials and a client list can be found HERE.

Contact Ian Marsden for a free quote for your project: E-mail

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch


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“Hair is Important” animated Flash videos for website and YouTube

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch

“Hair is Important” animated Flash videos for website and YouTube

This is an example of an animated Flash video created together with Bright Bulb Solutions in Los Angeles for the website. is the United States’  number one resource for hair loss information, advice, solutions and products. is the number one resource for hair loss sufferers.

Storyboard, Character Design, Illustrations and Flash Animation:
Ian David Marsden

Client: Bright Bulb Solutions



More videos from the same series can be seen in the “True Beauty” Playlist on YouTube here:


All artwork © Copyright 2014 by Ian David Marsden
More information about Ian, a brief biography, some testimonials and a client list can be found HERE.

Contact Ian Marsden for a free quote for your project: E-mail

Bio Ian Marsden English | Bio Ian Marsden Français | Bio Ian Marsden Deutsch


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Marsden Illustration