comiczeichner deutschland

Ein Schweizer am Oktoberfest

Ein Schweizer am Oktoberfest: A Cartoon by Ian David Marsden

This vibrant cartoon, titled Ein Schweizer am Oktoberfest, captures the lively energy and cultural contrast of Munich’s world-famous Oktoberfest. Created by Swiss illustrator Ian David Marsden for the print edition of the renowned Satirical Magazine Nebelspalter, the piece humorously portrays a cheerful Bavarian in traditional attire, complete with a feathered hat, raising a hearty toast with frothy beer mugs. Beside him sits a Swiss tourist, a blend of amusement and slight trepidation on his face, embodying the spirit of a newcomer navigating the exuberance of Oktoberfest.

Swiss and Bavarian at Oktoberfest - Cartoon Drawing
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Creating the Artwork for the Mercedes-Benz Employee Manual

Today, I want to take you on a journey that holds a special place in my heart—the creation of the illustrated Mercedes-Benz Employee Manual, affectionately known as the “Mitarbeiterknigge”. *

Back in 2010, as an experienced illustrator, character designer and concept creator, I had the pleasure of collaborating with esteemed advertising agency Sieber & Wolf on this fascinating project. Join me as I walk you through the process of bringing this comprehensive manual to life, highlighting the importance of effective visual communication within the context of a luxury brand like Mercedes-Benz.

When Sieber & Wolf approached me with the opportunity to work on the “Mitarbeiterknigge”, I knew it was a project that demanded precision, creativity, and dedication to excellence. The manual aimed to train Mercedes-Benz staff who interacted with customers, covering topics such as maintaining contact, politeness, and proper behavior in various situations like vehicle purchase, repairs, sales, events, lunches, dinners, and business correspondence. It was crucial that the illustrations reflected Mercedes-Benz’s high standards, precision, and commitment to quality.

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Concept Drawings: Volkswagen Sedric

Creating Concept Drawings for the Volkswagen Sedric Concept Car Presentation at CEBIT 2018 *

As an illustrator, I encounter various projects, each offering distinct challenges and creative opportunities. One particular project that holds a significant place among my favortes is the creation of concept drawings for the Volkswagen Sedric Concept Car presentation at CEBIT 2018. These drawings aimed to convey a compelling narrative, capturing the essence of this innovative concept car in a visually engaging manner. Familiar with the unpredictable nature of creative projects, I embraced the challenge when the assignment came on short notice. Time constraints were no obstacle for me, as I thrive in such situations, drawing upon experience and adaptability to deliver results swiftly and effectively.

The Volkswagen Sedric self-driving concept car is a pioneering innovation in the automotive world, representing a glimpse into the future of mobility. Designed with a focus on autonomous driving technology, the Sedric Concept Car aims to redefine the way we perceive transportation. This revolutionary vehicle embodies Volkswagen’s commitment to innovation, sustainable transportation, and cutting-edge design. With its sleek, futuristic appearance and state-of-the-art autonomous capabilities, the Sedric Concept Car is not just an automobile; it’s a visionary step towards a new era of transportation that prioritizes safety, convenience, and environmental sustainability.

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Cartoon Nebelspalter – Wenn Bastien Girod zweimal klingelt

Illustrator und Cartoonist Ian David Marsden – Illustrations Blog

Ich freue mich sehr, hier meine jüngste Illustration im Nebelspalter Nummer 4/2023 mit euch teilen zu können.

Der Cartoon ist als “Tor des Monats” in Begleitung zu einem Text von Ralph Weibel entstanden, und bildet eines der neuesten Abenteuer des Schweizer grünen Politikers Bastien Girod ab.
“Cartoon Nebelspalter – Wenn Bastien Girod zweimal klingelt”

Die Szene ist in einer luxuriösen Wohnung angesiedelt, wo eine schnelldenkende Dame ihre Haustiere kurzerhand in Menschenkleidung in Szene gesetzt hat, um es so aussehen zu lassen, als ob sie viele Mitbewohner hätte. Girod, als Karikatur hoffentlich erkennbar, macht gerade einen Überraschungsbesuch, um seinen Vorschlag zur Umsiedlung von alleinstehenden Menschen, die in großen Wohnflächen leben, zu diskutieren. Wie Sie sich vorstellen können, wird die “viele Bewohner”-Illusion bei Girod nicht unbedingt ankommen.

Link: Gallerie mit vielen weiteren Cartoons

Link zum Artikel: Printausgabe Nebelspalter

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How to Effectively Use Mascots and Comic Art to Convey Your Message – Marsden Illustration

Mascots and comic art are powerful marketing tools that businesses of all sizes and types can use to effectively communicate their message to audiences of all ages and completely transcend language barriers.

The Power of Comic Strips

Comic strips can communicate concepts and ideas to audiences of all ages and completely transcend languages. They can be used to give friendly reminders, offer tips, and provide educational material. For example, Coca-Cola assigned me to create wordless comic strips to remind people to recycle cans which were printed directly on the cans. These strips can also be used for internal purposes such as employee training and skill development, corporate training and executive briefings, or to enhance presentations and PowerPoint slides. They are also a wonderful media for e-learning or educational material.

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Next Generation Learning Presentation Video

A series of presentation videos for an excellent training course to assist students in completing and scoring high on their LAP test. Next-Generation Learning and #BYOD (bring your own devices) prepares you for all phases of this challenging test. A modern, step-by-step teaching approach covering every chapter of what you have learned over the years. The course gives you all the tools to ace the test.

Fun, light-hearted illustrations and caricatures lead you through the video and explain what you can look forward to in this training course.

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Comic Strips Sustainable Energy

For France-based client Sustain D I was tasked to develop original character designs for two cartoon characters and draw a series of comic strips featuring energy saving and ecological tips and tricks.

Let the sun shine in and you don’t need to turn the lights on 😀
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Business Comics

Business Comics are a fantastic solution for bringing ideas to the viewer.

Comic strips are wonderful way of communicating concepts and ideas to an audience of all ages and also across all languages.
From story concept to character design to illustration artwork I am experienced in creating custom, tailor-made comics for international clients.

Business Comics by illustrator Ian David Marsden
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Marsden Illustration