Just a quick lifesign and hello from me, and hoping that you and yours are healthy and well.

For my part, I can happily report that I have not been affected health-wise in my immediate circle of friends and family, at least not as of this moment. Like everybody else in these crazy times, I am trying to cope as well as possible with the secondary effects, as I am sure you are also. This is an unprecedented situation, at least in recent memory, and apart from the nefarious virus, there is a lot of turmoil and upheaval and change in the air. I am hoping that in the medium- to long term this change might even turn out to be a good thing. Right now it is not an obvious thing to see.
I had one little advantage perhaps: as an independent designer and artist, I have been working from my home office for many years, so that didn’t take much of getting used to. When I am working on projects I am often already “self isolating” as well, so I had plenty of practice.
Just to let you know: in case you should need me, my studio is open and I am at your service with creativity and ideas and my full range of traditional and digital tools to create excellent artwork for your projects.
A bientôt!
Ian David Marsden